I've been to the future. 100 years from today google has mastered the art of downloading one's conciousness. I'm happy to report that I was downloaded into a hot lesbian and now run things at the wbts. My will be done. Oh yeah and hot lesbian.
We are seeing JW history in the making
by suavojr 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This religion had its roots in the 1830s. Groups of people were preaching that the world was going to end via Jesus through the 1830s and 1840s. They built cults around this. Needless to say, the world didn't end.
So, come 1872, someone came up with the settle-all date in 1874. The world was going to end at the hands of Jesus in 1874. And that was the beginning of the jokehovians (and the Seventh Day Adventists). That was more than 100 years ago, and originally 1914 wasn't even included because we were supposed to be in the communist new order before 1874 ended. The communist new order would already be 40 years in by 1914. And now, they are stuck trying to ditch 1914 because it is going out of date--with that kind of history, it wouldn't surprise me much if they did try to string dates more than 100 years out. And they are all going to be just as bad as the 1914--and 1874 dates, and the dates in the early and mid 1800s that led to this "settle-all" date of 1874.
I believe that it will be when the whole world is fighting for freedom and the messiah they are praying for ushers us all into communism. No rapture. No paradise. Just pure global, then universal, communism. Astrologically, I am seeing dates in the early 2020s as high risk (though not definitive) dates. Mass enslavement, not paradise, will result. And, if freedom does win, the end will be somewhere in the year 5,000,000,000 or around there when the sun blows up.
Jw's aren't the only apocalyptic religion, there are many. They are all looking for Jesus to return - how he does it varies a little . Most know the book of Revelation and I hear a lot of folks quoting it. Jw's are just one of MANY end time religions . Also, even if people won't tell you to your face they think the world could end, a lot non-religious people think so too.
It seems in our literature , TV, and music we are hell bent for this world to come to an end. Think about all the movies, " Escape from New York "(one of my personal favs),, and many years ago Soylet Green ( 1973) and well, we can all name a lot of end of world movies including the current vampire and zombie end of world craze.( TV series The walking Dead)
If jws stay alive they will just keep reinventing themselves. Seriously, if Mormons,Scientology, and numerous other wacko religions can survive, why couldn't jws? It will become a lifestyle religion , much as the Mormons are.
The next time a jws tells me the Wts is still here b/c God's spirit is behind it, I plan on asking if God's spirit is backing the Catholic, Baptist and all those Eastern religions.
WT will be here for another 100 years. Religion outlives its founders for centuries. There are suckers that are drawn into religion, and more obscure and extreme will attract more crazies. These crazies have children and this idiocracy is transferred into next generation. WT outlived Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, it will outlive 1914 fiasco. Its membership does not care. Amishes live in the middle of the most advanced metropolitan areas on this planet without indication that they are shrinking in size. 7DA are 40 years older than JW and has twice that many members. Not to mention mormons, Baha'i and others that originated in the 19th century. Catholic, Orthodox churches pull these scheme for 2000 years. WT will be here for many, many, centuries as long as human race on this planet.
This is a thoroughly depressing thread, I want you all to know. I don't know whether to laugh or cry over these comments because I have to agree with them, and yet I hold out hope that technology will make this a world where people no longer have the needs that religion meets, at least the strict kinds of religion that screw with people's lives. Maybe in 100 years even the third-world areas will be getting lifted up by technology enough that they start to secularize.
I do want to second this prediction of Island Man's, I think this really will happen:
Watchtower will further try to isolate JWs from the thinking world by perhaps encouraging homeschooling and discouraging parents from sending their children to "worldly" schools. (Who knows, Watchtower might even publish text books and a syllabus for parents to use in homeschooling the their kids with Watcthower-approved information) That way JW youth are less likely to be exposed to information from subjects like history and science that will get JWs questioning. There will also be increasing anti-internet propaganda warning JWs against visiting sites that deal with science, philosophy, logic and anything else that could pose a threat to belief in God and Watchtower teachings. In this way they will hope to insulate JWs from the trend to increasing skepticism through enlightenment and thus preserve their current membership and maintain inside conversions of those born in.