The official COSMOS thread

by Jon Preston 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    So what does everyone think this far? Please theist feel free to add your opinions if you e watched so you can also appreciate certain facts weve learned....and hey theres speculation too! But non judgmental speculation;-)

  • Space Madness
    Space Madness

    It's lame and super boring. The tone and oversimplification of the material makes it seems as if it's targeted towards 5 year olds. I also find the slow speech by the narrator condescending and very annoying.

  • AnnOMaly

    Once I got past the 'this feels a little too Star Trek New Generation for me' and 'what's with the cartoons?' and concentrated on the message/info, I started to like it and look forward to each episode. Good for kids especially, I think.

    The most irritating thing is the theme music reminds me of a Watchtower video production. There's just something about its style. Bring back Vangelis.

  • zound

    It's very entertaining and interesting. Some of the speculation (particularly about the black holes) I didn't like, just spend more time on more solid hypothesis.

    Neil DeGrasse Tyson, in interviews and his podcast "StarTalk" is very funny and enigmatic, but is a bit flat on Cosmos - seems like a missed opportunity.

    Agree with the theme music - freakin' horrible, exactly like WT productions - has a 90's feel to it.

    Also, a bit odd to bring it up, but Seth Macfarlane's gross-out comedy (starring himself) "A million way to die in the west" which is being released shortly I thought by association brings Cosmos down a little - in my opinion he could have waited a bit before releasing it. The trailers show it to be pretty stupid and crude etc. For people who may be a bit apprehensive (for religious reasons) towards Cosmos, seeing the guy behind it making OTT fart and dick jokes might put them off further - bad timing in my opinion.

    Also the episodes seem a bit rushed - Carl meandered us through things, Tyson's on a tight schedule.

  • snare&racket

    I think it is fantastic and a decent homage to Sagan.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    I think it HAS to dumb things down for the majority....honestly if he spoke scientifically and didnt bring thigs down to a lower level peole would turn it off and forget it as garbage with fancy words....i love it. I like "The Universe" too

  • prologos

    I dont know why S%R would like it, as others said, it is boring condescending, not the eye-opener that sagan was. after aoo he said:

    "A prominent religion anounced the end of the world, but nobody noticed"

    I liteally can not last for more than 10 minutes of the COSMOS, and I am trying.

    a total turn-off.

  • will-be-apostate

    The show is entertaining, I like the theme music - in my opinion it fits the show perfectly. Sure this television show is not gonna make you a's entertainment, people!

  • lrkr

    I love it. The visuals on a large screen, high def tv are awesome. The cartoons are a turnoff- but the message is great.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    It's obvious none of you saw the orginal Comos with Carl Sagan on PBS. Now that was boring but very informative. And yet all I can remember from that show was the universe has billions and billions of stars. My first baby steps that help me question the cult. Any way I like the new show. True it is boring in some parts but I love his make believe space ship. And just like the old show it is very informative. Still Totally ADD

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