This show is great. It has to be dumbed down to play on primetime television on a major network such as FOX. It's really amazing that they got the greenlight to do it. I wish more witnesses would watch it. It'd cause some to question teachings.
The official COSMOS thread
by Jon Preston 15 Replies latest jw friends
I think it's a great program! I'll disagree with some of the language used by some of the posters here. I don't adhere to the term 'dumbed down'. In all domains and fields, language is used very specifically and becomes esoteric. Language mechanics such as phrases, terms etc are not accessible to the majority. Language adapation to help those uninitiated in that domain. Even though I do understand scientific language very well, I'm glad for this program. The visuals, music and graphics (including the cartoons) is fantastic. Great production value! And it's pissing off creationists - my guilty pleasure
It's a tv proram to inspire kids....of course it is simplified!
Listen to Neil talk about it, he wants to inspire young people like he was inspired, seth too. Despite it's simplicity, we know there are adults that don't know this info...we were all one of them for some time! Programs like this can help such adults, if they dare watch it.
As a JW, you have blinders on. Real thick blinders. I have no doubt in my mind, that the show would have gone over th heads of most JW's, a long, long way above them, despite it being for kids. As a JW it would have gone over mine for sure. Though I am confident it is a good starting point.... It shows what science does, what it is and a little of what we have come to know. That alone is very powerful. It covers a lot of ground that took me about 3 years to cover in books alone.
Obviously the science has been diluted from raw data to a story, but this is obvious and expected on a Fox tv show. If you want real hardcore astronomy, pack your bags for university! It is a tv program on fox, aimed to INFORM, you don't start at quantum theory!
I think it did a great job and a beautiful job. As did Sagan ! Sagan inspired and informed, so does this show.
Each to their own obviously.... I like chorizo, some people don't (are wrong lol)....
Snare x
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I enjoy it. Some of it is rather slow-moving, but I think it keeps the information from being over-whelming or overly-technical.
One hour of the show is time better spent than a month in a Kingdumb Hell.
Jon Preston
Last nights show was really kids were fascinated to learn about why land moved around over a long time. What got to me was how inspiring it is to me to change my environment to be more condusive to simplicity and keeping the earth clean. And i think there are exciting things on the forefront for solar power--just have that feeling.
Whatd you think about it?