Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life..." What is the JW perspective on this passage?

by Faithful Witness 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crazyguy

    Focus on the other scriptures where Jesus is the mediator the high-priest and the temple. With these in mind what he was saying is we don't need no religion, he replaced it all. Think about it, he was telling his followers that he was it, all of it. So we dont need a priest or a Organization anything. He even tells us this in Matt chapters 5 or 6 were don't have a teacher don't call any one your father etc. This is what he was really getting at in his ministery that the way to his father was directly through him and not any man or man made religion. Also remember it said that the angels and Jesus would judge us individually. And remember if she bring up the scripture were Jesus says to Peter upon you I'll will biuld my church, remember that church does not mean building it means congregation of people. Just like the Kingdom, the good news of the Kingdom does not mean government. Jesus is the king and with out his people he has no domane or Kingdom. In Romans it talks about confessing christ, jesus said believe in me and have life, Acts says his name is exalted above all. You need to hammer this home if not to her but in you because the NT was all about christ. God sent him and made him King. It then became the Jesus show and all must go to and through this ambassitor if not your rejecting him and therefore God the one that sent him. Jw's just dont get this!!!!

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