I am proudly ignorant in your book. Such sweepinng overgeneralisations. They can never be true.
Losing our religion: Your guide to a godless future
by Comatose 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Did not JWs see this as a sign of the end
"The love of the greater number will cool off"
Unless I missed it, the UK was not included in the interesting "religion in Decline" diagram above. However, the follwing statistics come from a recent poll by Yougov which shows the "love of the greater number" is definitely cooling off here!
…… only a minority, 37%, of British people “regard themselves as belonging to” a Christian religion. Half (50%) of the population, including around six in ten under-40s, don’t feel they belong to any religion at all.
Plus, the vast majority (77%) of British adults do not describe themselves as religious. That includes four in ten (40%) who say they are “not religious at all” and another 37% who say they are “not very religious”.
Even among over 60s, the group most likely to identify as religious, only 31% do so, including only a negligible 2% who say they are “very religious”.
The data support the .. claim that Britain is – today at least – a “largely non-religious society.”
Yet this is only half the picture. At the same time, 55% of the public agree …. that ‘Britain is a Christian country’. A third (33%) disagree.
58% also believe that Britain should be a Christian country.
I went to a wedding yesterday in a Methodist Church which I thought illustrated the place of religion in modern UK society quite well. Neither the Bride or Groom or their families are believers, they just like the traditional rituals, the familiar-from-childhood hymns and ambiance and architecture of the church building. The Minister's 'sermon' was based on a pagan story about the Greek gods Zeus and Hermes, but nobody batted an eyelid or noticed that Jesus didn't feature anywhere.