"Only if you get a court order." wink, wink

by rebel8 43 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • forest heathen
    forest heathen

    My brother and his wife are both anesthesiologists. I used to to be a medical technician, and they kept encouraging me to go on to nursing. So, of course this subject would come up.

    They've told me that some JWs do indeed accept blood, especially since their privacy is protected. I was secretly happy when my sister in law told me that she's got court orders for minors of JWs. I hated it when this discussion came up when I was still "in". Because though I 100% believed in paradise earth ... I was not so firm or unwavering on disfellowshipping and blood issues.

    Forest Heathen

  • problemaddict

    Hey vidiot. Thats right I seem to remember Barbara sharing that before. I believe that is why the 2000 "almost everything is allowed" policy change came into effect. Basically they were saying.....this is the stuff they give you anyways, just take it.

    How Naive.

    The not disfellowshipping for blood thing is still fairly recent however (last 5 years), and it is NOT in print of course. It would make it appear it is now "ok".

  • rebel8

    I have been flat told "we don't disfellowship for that anymore", by a circuit overseer. Of course the caveat is if it is well known or the person flaunts it.....but basically you can do it, and its like don't ask don't tell.

    But they consider you as having disassociated yourself by your action, and therefore you're fully shunned. Correct? Potayto, potahto.

    And what's that other post, "jehoopla will hold them accountable, not you". That makes me angry. I was told I'd be responsible if blood was forced on me, and I was a child. I had to scream, say NO, physically fight back, and try to escape, just as a rape victim had to, in order to not be blamed. And even if I did all those things, I was told I'd still be considered damaged goods and no one would want to marry me. (Which is why I was totally freaked out when they said there'd be no marriage in the New System...because I'd be forever a virgin...no one to love...ever. Just for being born with a genetic disorder.)

    Dubs today, they got it easier.

  • Vidiot

    rebel8 -"I was told I'd be responsible if blood was forced on me, and I was a child. I had to scream, say NO, physically fight back, and try to escape, just as a rape victim had to, in order to not be blamed."

    Yeah; not so much, these days, though.

    I suspect that, since 9-11, the general public's respect and tolerance for conscious martyrdom (for the sake of ideology) has taken something of a nosedive.

    rebel8 -"I was totally freaked out when they said there'd be no marriage in the New System...because I'd be forever a virgin...no one to love...ever."

    I remember that.

    That attitude gave an intersting bit of insight into the WTS's collective mental workings...

    ...it occured to me even that far back (I was a teen at the time) that something must be a little bit "off" for a theologian to predict a future devoid of sexuality.

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