So whats the commentary on J.M. Roberrts "History of the World"?
Humans have been on the earth for 6,000 years?
by make yourself 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
James Brown: According to James it's a standard textbook at secular universtities. Have you not been entirely honest about that James?
Why do you speak of yourself in the third person? It's more than a little weird!
James Brown
I dont know what your talking about.
I dont think I talk in the 3rd person.
Maybe you see me
copying and pasting someone elses post about me, and you think I am talking in the third person.
This site does not format for me. I would have more space between paragraphs to differentiate the copy and paste but
I cant make paragraphs. The site used to. But no more.
James, if you can't format, then at least quote properly.
For example:
Cofty wrote, "According to James ..."
Then you can respond.
Do you not have access to the formatting buttons in the "Post a reply ..." box?
The quote marks just left of center in the middle row will put any highlighted text into a box. For example:
James Brown: I dont know what your [sic] talking about.
See how easy that is!
James Brown
James, if you can't format, then at least quote properly.
For example:
Cofty wrote, "According to James ..."
Then you can respond.
Do you not have access to the formatting buttons in the "Post a reply ..." box?
The quote marks just left of center in the middle row will put any highlighted text into a box. For example:
Ok, Thank you. I see.
You got it!
Is the fact ,( if it is a fact) , that their is no written record of homo sapiens existence prior to 6000 years , proof they didnt exist before then ?
If you accept humans have only been around for 6000 years or so , how do you explain the explosion of knowledge in all fields of education/knowledge / science etc. you name it , that has occured in the past 200 years ? and very little before then .?
If you beleive humans / homo sapiens have existed for thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years on this planet why has the age of enlightenment only emerged in the past couple of hundred years ?
These are questions that I have , and have never got a satisfactory answer from anyone .
Just saying.
smiddy? 200 years? you must mean ~200 bc, when the greek geeks measured the size of the earth's globe to within 10%. or
the precisely build gigantic pyramids, were erected,
at the ~ time that Noah whacked away at all that timber [so we are told]
300-400 Years ago Kepler's laws, Copernicus.
human science advancement [outside religions] follows the doubling with time law, it is an acceleration.
Smhid day, go and have a look at how much stuff the ancient Islamic world had. much of it got lost during the dark ages.
I suspect the simple explanation is that each culture makes steps based on the previous ones, but if your culture vanishes, or gets exterminated the advances you have made get lost...