What does money represent to YOU ?

by new hope and happiness 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    For example does money represent to you power, love, joy and much more or does money represent to you feelings of worry, guilt, anger, sadness.

    For myself i have always enjoyed living largely on little, and i can appreciate that the best things in life are free. Having said that i am glad i have been fortunate and sensible enough with money to never have exsperienced the anxiety of debt. And it may sound silly but i dont think winning it big on the lottery would improve the quality of my life nor my family. I am happiest in family run hotels in private locations than 4 star accommodation in populated areas. I am happiest sipping a beer on my balcany over looking the park watching the sunset, or playing pool with friends than joining fancy clubs. My boys football team is free to watch and seeing his happy face when he scores a goal wins over watching my team struggle with relegation. And whilst i have an appreciation for Abstruct Art, that has been exspensive, its combindly hanged with my works that cost me only my time.

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Hej New hope,

    I agree that having a lot of money does not equate with happiness. One thing I can at least appreciate about having been a JW is the ability to manage and be content with little. We were the true believers, pioneers, need greaters etc, we managed on very little money for many years. Yet I can honestly say that having a lot more money does not add to happiness, it just makes some aspects easier.

    We recently inherited some money and it gave me no end of worry trying to decide how best to invest it etc, in the end I was sick and tired of thinking about it. It is nice to have a cushion against unemployment or sudden expenses in the house, but above that it is luxury compared to how so many in the world live.

    It is interesting that a survey done in my country showed that those with the most money give the least to charity, those with the least give the most. That is food for thought. Another survey showed that the cut off point for increased happiness is 75,000 us dollars per year. Over that amount does not increase feelings of happiness and contentment.

    So I think you are on the right path, glad you enjoy your life and family and yet are careful with regards to where you put your trust.

  • punkofnice

    Freedom from fear of debt.

    All contributions gratefully recieved! Since Mrs Punk left me to look after the adult family it's been terrible. Thank you watchtower(R) for breaking up the family and leaving Mrs Punk in a financially secure position whereas I've been left with kippers!

  • Magnum

    Money does not represent to me "power, love, joy"; I'm not a lover of money. HOWEVER, having money would have made my life FAR easier in the past and having it now would make my life far easier now. I remember one time about thirty years ago. A wealthy neighbor was visiting because we had a death in the family. My mother said something like "people think having money is everything". I think she thought she was going to impress the neighbor and that he would agree with her. I will never forget his response. He looked up and simply said "but it sure makes life easier". I have felt that way ever since.

    Because of being JWs and not having money, my entire adult life has been very hard. My wife and I have always had to drive cheap, old cars. There is always something wrong with them. At times we have been without transportation. We spend countless hours trying to work on cars ourselves becuase we can't afford repair shop fees. It would be far easier to just take the cars to be repaired or call a mobile mechanic to come out and fix them. We have to repair our own appliances and everything else. We need to rent equipment to do repairs on our house, driveway, etc., but can't becuase we have don't the money and we don't have the time because we both work low-paying jobs and have different schedules so we can't coordinate our days off for jobs that require two people (like renting equipment to do repairs).

    We've found out that living "simple" as the org says is actually more complicated; our times are not like the first century. Jesus could live with just the clothes on his back. One, especially being a JW, cannot do that nowadays. For one thing, many localities won't allow it. And being a JW requres one to have more clothes, shoes, books, etc. When we pioneered, we lived in several structures that were very small and tight. There was no room to put anything. We literally sat on bound volumes to eat. It was not simple.

    So, again, having money would have made our lives far simpler and easier. It would free us up to retire, but we will never be able to because we swallowed the JW hook and thought the end was imminent and made no plans for retirement.

  • WTWizard

    Money is one of the things that fulfills the soul--that is, what money can buy. It is not sufficient, but it is necessary (and I mean the purchasing power, not the nominal number of whatever currency you happen to be using). Having nice things is good for your soul. It is nice to have plenty of funds to buy whatever you want, without having to worry about not having enough left for whatever you need or paying off some parasites.

    That said, money is not everything. If you have plenty of money but the opposite sex hates you (the same sex, for those who are naturally gay), that is going to do nothing. It does little good to have plenty of money but lousy health so you cannot enjoy it, or if you are wasting your whole life earning that money and cannot spend it or enjoy it. And, if one is a miser (that is, one who is obsessed with keeping their money), one cannot enjoy it but instead is miserable because of it. A miser has money but cannot enjoy it--this defeats the whole purpose of having money in the first place. To benefit your soul, money needs to be spent on nice things or used in ways to ensure financial security, not stashed under the mattress. (Now, if you are keeping money, as silver and gold, for reasonably expected future hardships or to save for your future or as deposits in your savings account if you are saving toward a big purchase, that is fine).

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Thanks for the kind reply Chicken Little.

    As Jehovers Witnesses we were taught an unhealthy attitude to money, and as PUNKOFNICE and MAGNUM have pointed out this can sure make life harder in latter life. However if we have money i think its important to inderstand the feelings that motivate our spending. I am very lucky that my wife and i have similar opinions on needs as opposed to wants, and live within our means. My little boy of 9 has always saved every penny locked away in his money box, so i was delighted last week when without prompting he decided he wanted to do the weekly shop with his money. ( that was some wierd shop)

    My advice to any youngster reading this, would be to get on the property ladder. A home is always the best investment. The loan on a new car which depreciates in value i think a very poor investment for the young, and the insurance is criminal.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Money can mean freedom, or a degree of it. When I was with my ex-jw elder hubby he controled all our money. When I left he kept every penny. I was jobless, homeless and had no money. I swore I would never let a man or anyone control me like that again. I now keep 1/2 of my pay check and 1/2 goes to mutual bills. My hubby does the same.

    In 5 years I saved more than my ex kept after 12 years. He wasn't into hard work, just keeping what I made. Sweet justice.

  • DesirousOfChange

    MONEY represents Freedom of Choice.

    If one has the money, he can afford an expensive car if that's important to him.. Or not.

    Same with BIG house. Travel. Etc.


    Without money, a person often has no choice, or limited choices in the decisions that must be made in life.


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Found Sheep i like that thought. " money means freedom" and i would add independence. Money has never meant enough to me to compromise my own moral or ethical standards to achive it. And my money has always meant to much to me to give it away to rail companies whilst standing like a sardine on a commuter train. Yes i have been fortunate to have been self- employed. Also as a hobby I never made " real" money on ebay, but i was very happy that i sold some of my Art work.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    DOC true...funny how money makes money. Infact i learnt a long time ago money is only didgits on a computer screen. Crazy by transfering money from one country to another and investing it in property i hope to make 50% in 3 years. The pound i speculate will grow the kronor weaken in my favour by 20-30% and the properties i bought i speculate will increase by 20-30%. meanwhile i live on the rental income.

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