Congrats Billy!
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 103 Replies latest jw friends
Congrats Billy!
Not only will I be getting a "worldly" degree, but I'll be wearing a flowing gown and fancy hat when I get it!
Welll done Billy, well done.
My son walks tomorrow with his neuropsycology degree. I say a congrats to you as wlel, in my mind, when we go to the graduation.
You worked very hard for this. It is SO worth it. :-) I completed my BS in my 40s, then masters. It's never too late is it!!
Billy... You have 2 (two) things the Governing Body does not have.
Brains or a Degree!
Hurray for Billy the Ex Beth-hell-lite!
LL (not Bean)
nowJWspouse ------>>> Yay for you and your SON!!! and 3 (three) Gold Stars!!!
LL (not Bean)
Billy... It is none of our business, but you do have a Fan Club here on JWN.
When they call your name tomorrow and give you your diploma and shake your hand, is there anyone that is going to stand, yell and clap for you??? ???
We want you to hear loud claps from ALL of us, so since we can't be there tomorrow, excuse me if I appoint myself as the official lead clapper and
lead us ALL in an early round of applause for you, today.
clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap and clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap AND claping some more today for YOU!
LoisLane ... of NOT the shy and shrinking type. lol
Go Billy!!!
Congratulations Billy, so pleased for you. Now I hope you can carry on with the rest of your life and be what you want to be.
Best wishes
Chicken little
Great news. Seems alot here are graduating!
Congratulations! I am so impressed with all of you who got your education in spite of the difficulty and cost. Good for you!