What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    We God must be made of something inorder to create and interact with all those people from the Bible...certainly even speaking with thunderous power is measurable and would have to create sound waves right? So hed have to have something on the mollecular or atomic level in order for us to sense kr be affected. Must be why he stopped speaking so all could hear, he knew wed have devices to measure his sound waves.....(:-l).

    Then comes the questions about where God got whatever hes made out of....God can come from nothing but the universe cant eh? .......but sorry to stray off topic.

    Whats spirit again? :-(

  • galaxie

    Viv I think its all about context;eg, human spirit; motivation to accomplish, get up and go, vitality, willingness, attitudes ie positive and negative.

    All made possible by the fact that we exist and use our brains which can ONLY function by means of the air we breath or there is NO human spirit.

    Therefore our human spirit in all its guises is a combination of the brains formulation of our desires and goals for whatever purpose and the way we bring that to fruition.

    All made possible only by the air we breath.

    In the context of spirit beings there is nothing tangible , no motivation which can be tested or proved

    The idea of these type of spirits imo comes from the same stable as human spirit ie motivated by the same brain processes fuelled by oxygen, and therefore only exist in the minds of those who have a need for such, as a child has a fictitious but to them believable imagination.

    So to sum up; human spirit is apparent....supernatural spirit does not exist.

  • caliber

    Vivian is no closer to the truth... please do not speak for all of us

    "We" are not amused

  • cofty

    If you know what spirit is Caliber then please share.

  • Comatose

    Jon, hows it going? :) I am on the same page as you, but still in playing devil's advocate will argue with your statements.

    God if he can exist outside the universe and time and is Omnipotent can do anything. Anything. To make a voice we would hear is hardly a feat at all compared to other miracles recorded in the bible and in comparison to creation of other spirit and human life it is even more trivial. If god can create matter and substance from nothing, then he could make humans hear a voice, even if it was only perceived to be happening in their heads without creating actual sound waves.

    Again, my only point is, if you believe in a god who has always existed and created the universe, laws of physics, and everything in the universe... You don't have a problem with not being able to name an element or substance that spirit is made from. God can do anything.

  • caliber

    the nonphysical part of a person.. it is the seat of emotions...

    ...your essence

    The natural man does not accept the things of God but to him they are foolishness 1 cor2:14

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    If god exists there and can do anything it makes him a tyrant. Or at least, human with special magic powers...

    and i still have a problem with that because even if thoseen were caused to hear voices god creatd their bodies to react to stimuli, secrete certain chemicals and their body reacts. To have them just be caused to hear or see something with zero substance or zero molecular or atomic interaction (please correct me if im wrong) is kinda nutty.

  • cofty

    the nonphysical part of a person..

    But that is just a statement about what it is NOT.

    It isn't physical. It also isn't purple, isn't made of rubber, isn't spherical, isn't square or magnetic. It isn't roast beef nor is it the Eiffel Tower.

    OK so what IS it?

    it is the seat of emotions...

    What does that mean? We know exactly where emotions happen. You can observe the precise areas of the brain that light up when somebody feels love or disgust or fear or hatred. We know the chemical signals that cause these reactions.

    What do you mean by the "seat"?

    ...your essence

    What does that mean? What is my essence exactly?

    The natural man does not accept the things of God but to him they are foolishness 1 cor2:14

    You are trying to make a virtue out of a vice.

  • caliber

    So cofty's logic is ... if we as humans cannot explain or understand something... it cannot exist or make sense.

    Is. 55:9

    Who says we must be given privy to understand exactly what spirit is , at this place in time ?

    Who says if we cannot put these things in human terms it must all be hogwash ?

  • cofty

    So cofty's logic is ... if we as humans cannot explain or understand something... it cannot exist or make sense.

    Please don't put words in my mouth.

    You theists invented the notion of something that can't be seen or felt or heard. It is identical in every single way to something that doesn't exist at all.

    It isn't made of stuff but nevertheless you make grandiose claims about what it does.

    Any rational person would simply say that unless you can clearly define what the hell you are talking about, we can safely ignore all talk about this imaginary stuff you call spirit.

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