What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Viviane

    So "we" must conclude that the whole thread was a calossal waste of time .... that is what the "evidence" does point to right ?

    Who is "we"? I personally found this thread quite enlightening for a variety of reasons. It is clear that we on this forum have no actual idea what spirit is made of. At best, "it's a metaphor for something else" or "don't know" is the most honest answer. We also learned you can ask one person what spirit is and get three different answers.

    and we still don't know what breathering is exactly. how can be possibly know what spirit is exactly.

    You may not, but many others do. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breathing

    Caliber I don't think the thread is a waste of time if viv can admit that we don't know what anything is exactly.

    Should be easy enough. Just provide some evidence for that and you will convince me.

  • Ruby456

    loud snort

  • Viviane

    That's probably the most intelligent response you could make when you get caught making ridiculous claims, Ruby.

  • snare&racket

    Yes, we understand snorting too.....

  • cofty

    I thought you had gone back to the Watchtower Ruby?

  • Ruby456

    my loud snort was an encouragement for you to continue cofty, viv and snare&racket rather than to discourage you. It put a brake on my disagreeing with you. Isn't that what you want - an orderly regulated thread that reaches the definition that spirit is a metaphor? I mean this sincerely as I can see the advantages - at the KH for example spirit means satan and his demons and their vendetta against each person

  • Viviane

    Ruby, wherever would you get such a ridiculous notion? It's the furthest thing from reality that "getting called for pretending to know made up BS" is even close to te idea of saying you can't disagree. You can disagree all you want, I encourage it.

    You'll just get called out for making things up, as you tend to do.

  • Ruby456


  • jgnat

    If we were to look at the body as a massive collaborative collection of cells, there are certain failures that the collective cannot recover from. For instance, transport of oxygen to the host cells. Then the system collapses, and the cells begin to die. A formerly living, breathing organism collapses.


    We know that now. We've only known that since 1809.

    So with this theory of life and death, spirit is not called for.

  • Viviane

    Again, probably the smartest thing you could say.

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