What's the dirt on the GB? Proven not anecdotal.

by punkofnice 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    I have no respect for the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses(tm) as I consider them to be wicked men.

    Having said that, is there any proven dirt on them that could expose them for the critters they are?

    I heard that Jaracz was a sex offender but where's the evidence?

  • AlphaMan

    I'll wait for someone with all the details to post concerning former Watchtower Society Governing Body members Greenlees & Chitty. Both thought to be homosexual. Not bashing homosexuality, but that's a major hypocrisy in the JW religion, especially for GB members.

  • confusedandalone

    Is firsthand eye-witness proof or do you need documentation. I know a ton of people who saw or heard things... I saw and heard a number of things with my own eyes but they would be more along the lines of character flaws.


    They signed bibles like rockstars and officially encourage the Jws to bribe Mexican officials, while simultaneously allowing Jws in Malawi to die for neutrality. Those are proven acts of hypocrisy.


  • 88JM

    Geoffrey Jackson has a much younger wife:


    There's loads of stuff on Rutherford, but some is more difficult to prove with it going back so far.

  • Londo111

    I won't fault Chitty except on hypocrisy.

    Greenlees, on the other hand, abused male children.

  • Apognophos

    Jesus, 88JM, how many times do people have to say that's not his wife.

  • wisdomfrombelow

    I would hope GB 2.0 members would have been fully vetted so that there is not a lot of dirt on them as they are the public face of the BORG. I don't believe they hold the real behind-the-scenes power but if they are not squeaky clean it could harm the Society and they like a good public image.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    How about their twisted teachings; their use of deceptive selective quoting; the unethical use of secrecy in confidential letters asking elders to do things that would cause the rank and file to go "huh?!", and their use of cult-like psychological manipulation. All of these are documented in Watchtower literature and letters to body's of elders. What more dirt is needed? They seem dirty enough from where I'm sitting.

  • AlphaMan

    The Jehovah Witness Governing Body both joined the United Nations as an NGO, and supported Jimmy Swaggert in his case against the U.S. government.

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