What's the dirt on the GB? Proven not anecdotal.

by punkofnice 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    Interesting feedback folks. Yes, I guess the current GB have to have a bulletproof image.

    I think the doctrinal stuff is fair game although a lot of weird cults have the same shizzle.

    The NGO of the UN is a move of great hypocrisy and IS documented. Copies of proof are readily available on the net.

    What I wandered was is there any documentation that they as individuals or a group have skeletons in their cupboards.

    In fairness the Old Goat has a point about the difference between rumours and evidence.

    The photo of them signing bibles is proof of their hubris.

    I heard Jaracz was a sex offender, where did this originate from? Are there documents in proof he was a paedophile?

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    I said nothing about Rutherford's "homes." You know I didn't.

  • Apognophos

    Concerning Jaracz, I'm only aware of one accusation made against him, by a late Pat Garza. Here's a representative thread about her: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/scandals/116777/1/Ted-Jaracz-a-molester#.U3N6AsdfkjU

    As you can see, there really was never any proof (which sadly would likely be the case even if her allegations were true). I've also read that her story changed over the years. So allowing for the fact that we know there are sometimes false allegations of abuse made against people, and that there is a long history of people coming to believe they were molested after psychiatric hypnosis, I'm afraid we have to give this one a rest. We don't know the true story. I hope for her sake it wasn't true.

  • Oubliette

    Barbara Anderson has implied that one of the GB was called into a JC for allegedly beating his wife. But, at least as far as I know, she has never publicly identified which one.

    There's a thread around here somewhere with the scant reference ...

  • 88JM

    Sorry Apognophos - I was having a bad day and that came into my head for some reason

  • punkofnice

    Oub - A GB member in a JC? The mind boggles.

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