30th Anniversary of THAT classic 1914 WT front cover

by wizzstick 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I'm going to dig that WT out and see what gems are inside LOL..

  • factfinder

    I remember those special issues on 1914-there were 4 of them I think.

    Witnesses are probubly encouraged (warned) not to read those issues! It is "old light, old truths".

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    We're still good on "this generation".

    All of those on the cover, despite not receiving "god's" promise and being dead, have merely been "overlapped".

  • WingCommander

    Thanks Wizzstick, for posting this wonderful 30th anniversary edition from a totally false prophet.
    I'd also like to thank Fogue for pointing out that newest Governing Body member Mark Sanderson was just 19 years old when this was released. That really puts things in perspective as to how warped things have become in this publishing cult.

    Myself, I was 4 years old, pushing 5. I remember this cover and even the day we studied it in the old Columbia (PA) Kingdom Hall. This, as well as a few others at this time (1914, A focal point of Prophecy?, etc) are forever engrained into my psyche. My parents and everyone older around me made such a big deal about them. I actually remember asking my parents if this means I'll never grow old in this system of things, if I'd ever make it say - into my 30's? With gleeful (insane?) chuckle the adults assured me I'd probably never reach high school. I remember wondering at that very day, even at 4, where'd I'd be 30 years later. Here we are! I am 34 years old, a victim of an apocalyptic, end-times publishing and real estate CULT. My parents and their older "teachers of the truth" are DEAD. All of them. 95% of the kids I grew up with are OUT of this cult, and probably 80% of them have major dysfunctions and mental illnesses. I'm a survivor. I made it. I got some education. I have a career, a mortgage, a wife, and a family. I have a lot of things I never thought I'd have back at age 4, including some grey hairs. Unlike the few remaining depressed 34-yr old virgin MS and pioneer types that are left in the cult, I'm in great health. I work out 4x a week at Gold's. I'm shredded. Those losers look 10 years older than myself, with bags under their eyes and 40 lbs (at least) of extra blubber hanging off of them. They are still peddling this nonsense and wasting their lives.

    I kept just (2) bound volumes in my small JW library. They are the WatchTower and Awake! bound volumes from 1984. NO ONE will show up my door proclaiming they weren't claiming the "End" any day now in 1984, as they pulled with 1975, freakin' no ONE, cause I'm going to pull those bound volumes so quick they're head will spin. This series of WT's and Awake!'s is the end-all, be-all nail in the coffin to show just how "positive" they were about The End, and clearly shows them up as false prophets.

    My god, I think I'd give anything to go back 30 years and be 4 years old again, BUT be living outside of this looney cult. To have my whole life ahead of me......to able to have unlimited options, good teenage years filled with fun memories, etc. F*ck you WTBTS, as I have retaken back my life from you. You lying Bast*ards have a helluva lot to answer for if/when you ever do meet your maker.

    Wing Commander


    1984...how appropriate!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, 1984 WT!!!!!


  • Londo111

    Chalk one up to 'imperfection'.

  • Watchtower-Free

    Apostate & Ex-Jehovalarious Meme Collection

  • NVR2L8


  • rocketman

    Good catch in pointing this out, Wizzstick.

  • Zoos

    Saw this thread, downloaded the picture, hit *print*, and wrote: Happy 30th Anniversary! on it right before I ran out the door for work this morning. Stopped by my old Kingdom Hall and slipped it in the door.

    I'm pretty sure my little tract had about the same lifespan as theirs do... but it felt great. The whole experience went well with coffee.

    Thanks for the idea.

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