GOODBYE JW.Com - To My Friends

by TheRecordCollector 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheRecordCollector

    "Unconditional Love Is The Most Precious Of All Gifts"
    "Practice Random Acts Of Kindness & Senseless Beauty"

    Well, I really hate to do this, because I've found some nice people here. Someone very special told me last night that if I'm really serious, then I have no business being on this site.

    I'm a lonely person, however, I have made friends on this site.
    We've talked about music, we've sang song's together. We've heard each other's stories, we've laughed together.

    I would like to name names here, but I don't dare because just as sure as I do, I'll leave off someone important. So I'll not mention any names. You know who you are.

    I do what I have to do. And I have to leave this site.
    Thank you for being my friends & conversation pal's.
    I've enjoyed the post, I've enjoyed being with you in chat.

    If I have offended anyone, please forgive me. It was not my intent to do so.

    I wish you all the best.

    Doug (TRC)

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I would not let anyone tell me what to do.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • gumby

    Well, I really hate to do this, because I've found some nice people here. Someone very special told me last night that if I'm really serious, then I have no business being on this site.

    This makes no sence to me doug!

    You admit there are good people here and you have enjoyed their company. What's the problem? Is it bad influence?

    Who is this friend who's words seem to have quite an impact on you?...(no answer needed)

    I had thought about this same thing awhile back because my thinking was changing. changed for the good as many things said here has opened my eyes to investigate some things further.

    To be afraid you will be paganized here is WT thinking....truth has nothing to fear.

    Anyway, I enjoyed your time here and hope you reconsider

  • HildaBingen


    whoever told you leave here is right. we will not be here long. we can not inhabit a place where geist is not.

  • SYN

    Hilda, you don't have any geist to start with...

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • Satanus

    Freedom is a scarey thing. We all have it. Many people don't know they have it. Some people give theirs away.


  • Farkel


    From one Doug to another: whoever told you to leave if you were "really serious" has implied that really serious people don't belong here. Just the idiocy of that person's statement alone should make you reconsider your decision. This board has its up and downs, but it is a good place to spend some of your time when you are in the mood to do so.


    : whoever told you leave here is right. we will not be here long.

    Five minutes more is too long, unless you start thinking and quit spouting garbage.


  • coult9056

    Hilda is an idiot.

  • flower

    OMG DOUG! You just said yourself that you have met some good people here! Some nice people that you enjoyed being with! And you going to cut off ever speaking to or associating with those good kind people ever again because an organization says you have to if you want to join them???! Doug, you know that goes against every fiber of your being! Every natural instinct within you knows that that is WRONG! And you are going to ignore all those instincs and feelings because "someone very special" told you you have to??? Someone who happens to belong to an organization who demands she think that?? How can you not see that this is CULT MIND CONTROL AT ITS BEST??????????????????????????????????

    Doug, I implore you. Use YOUR mind. Dont let anyone else tell you what you must think or believe or DO. How can you let someone else tell you who you can talk to and who you cant??

    I wish you the best in whatever it is you do. I hope you do the right thing for you. Dont let someone else tell you what that is. Not me, not the org..and dont be blinded by the girl. Love is a powerful thing Doug, but everyone can get over a broken heart.


  • somebody


    I've only chatted with you a few times but ejoyed those few times.

    I'll miss you.

    Take care.


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