WT 2014 - 08 - 15 ..... but congregations are not required to do this.

by fastJehu 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sir82

    Once again, the WTS has painted itself into a corner.

    They are trying to brand themselves as "modern" with a content-packed website and they brag about their "Bible information in 600 languages !!!! !!!" and their Caleb videos and yadda yadda yadda.

    Meanwhile, their most fiercely loyal adherents are those aged 60 & up, well over half of whom probably are afraid to touch a cell phone, let alone use a computer or tablet, let alone go hunting on the "demonic internets" for JW.org.

    So what happens? The millennials are all walking around showing off their electronics ("The only reason I bought my iphone 5 was to use it for JW.org" ), and the older guys think they are missing out.

    The law of unintended consequences....The WTS sees they are losing kids by the droves so they try to appeal to what the kids are interested in.

    And in so doing, they alienate their most loyal guys...the ones they were counting on to die and leave them all their $$$$ in their wills.

  • JeffT

    I suppose directing some one to the local library, where they can use a computer for free, is not approved.

  • blondie

    You can use the computer free at the libraries here but there is a charge of $0.10 per page for printing in b/w. Not a budget breaker perhaps...




    64 pages for magazines each month $6.40

  • baldeagle

    When I last attended five years ago the printer was in the elder’s private boardroom. Regular low life publishers did not enter this “holy place.” My wife who recently did KH cleaning says the printer is now next to a computer. I presume elders use it to access the website for letters, forms etc.

  • villagegirl

    THIS "OLD DINOSAUR" started using a computer in 1979, an Apple.

    This old dinosaur ran COMPUCAMP out of the University of California in 1982.

    We used Apple 11's in the Micro Computer Lab and taught 12 years old's how

    to program in Pascal and Basic. By 1984 this old dinsaur had a Macintosh.

    By 1990 this this old Dinosaur had a Mac computer running Photoshop 1.0 .

    By 2003 this old dinosaur bought and was using Adobe Creative Suite, including

    Adobe Bridge, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Version Cue.

    Age has nothing to do with it.

  • JWdaughter

    My 70 year old mom has a cell phone (hates texting) and uses the internet. She is a little anxious about printing, cut/paste and downloading, but she functions at a pretty good level for someone whose first home had an outhouse and a pump in the kitchen!

  • WTWizard

    And, what about those who will instead print pages from this site or jwfacts? Load those in pdf files on a tablet that can accept that kind of files, and you could have a nightmare for those wishing to dog their calls. Or, what happens if the hounders pxxx off someone one time too many? One way I could get back at them is to use the same tablet to access Joy of Satan/Exposing Christianity and use that in lieu of the official site. Do that, and that will be the end of that call. Or, go to any apostate site and see how long it takes to ruin the call.

    Let it be known that, if I get dragged back and the hounders do anything to ruin my chances with the opposite sex, and I WILL be using Joy of Satan/Exposing Christianity in lieu of jw.org to ruin as many of their calls as possible. At least, that will give them the chance to compare honest Satanism with a religion that pretends to be xian but is half Jewish instead. It should also get those people to think about which, if either, is telling the truth--even if they choose neither, at least it will trash that call forever. I don't give a fxxxabout getting disfellowshipped for doing that--as long as I can ruin the maximum number of their calls possible.

  • RagingBull

    I thought by now they would be issuing iPADS and other Tablets from the literature counter so that the DOMESTICS who fumble with bibles, bags and magazines can catch up to the well-to-do bros and sis' that beat them to the punch when trying to comment at meetings. Or see the lates CALEB video.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    The biggest question I have is how they justify marginalizing all those Jws in poor countries where there is no electricity or computers. I've seen some of these villages and there is no way these people or their congregations are having computers or internet. They are a day's walk from anywhere with electricity let alone able to show house holders a website on an iPad!!! It's like they don't care if these people can participate or not. How must these people sitting in their generator lit kingdom think? They must feel they are being left out.

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