I have just read on another post that those brothers and sisters manning the cult carts are meant to be fully suited and booted, I have seen the brothers wearing jumpers instead of Jackets. Is the dress code monitored?
Dressing down for the Cult Cart work
by cantleave 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think you should take a photo and send it to Bethel. Honestly though have you reverted back to elder mode? Leave the poor JW alone, wearing a jumper is hardly harming passersby, it's the literature that's dangerous!!!!
Kate xx
Julia Orwell
Hell no, people dress according to what's acceptable in your area.
lol kate, in this weather wearing jumper should be a crime it's too f*ckin9 hot!
hahahaha!!! I think you need to set up a JC, I am sure it says somewhere in the Flock book that it is a judicial matter if jumper wearers are wearing jumpers when the temp is over 15C. I think your getting a little Aspergic there.
I bet you break into a sweat when you see him.
They shouldn't have to wear ties in hot weather either, mainly in the UK brothers have to wear ties no matter how hot it is, they can take off their jackets but ties must stay. In the publications JWs in other countries don't wear ties in the hot weather. Passersby will think their a crazy cult wearing ties in hot weather.
Kate xx
Cult Cart.....good one....I think you just coined a new expression.
I don't think anyone here cares what they are wearing while manning these carts but it is interesting to see when individual JW's go against the express directives from the organization and think for themselves, wearing clothes that are appropriate for their weather conditions regardless of what the dress code is.
I remember when our Kingdom Hall didn't have Air Conditioning yet and one summer evening a lot of the brothers came to meeting wearing just a shirt and tie. For some reason some of the speakers didn't show up so several of the brothers who were wearing only shirt and tie had to volunteer to do the talks but rather go on stage without a jacket, they all shared a jacket somebody in the audience volunteered for use. It was ridiculous to see them taking off and putting on this jacket in front of the stage before and after each part. Some of the smaller Brothers were swimming in the huge jacket. It was all for show and more of a distraction than anything and it showed what lengths people will go to uphold pointless rules even when common sense dictates otherwise.
The cart recruiting is way too easy. I have seen them in my area just talking to each other and getting pioneer hours that way. Recruiting needs to be a chore that they hate, otherwise they won't see a reason to question it. Of course they should have to be in full "uniform."
Mrs Phizzy and I play Spot the Dubbie when we are out and about in areas where we do not know JW's personally. If they are in F.S you can spot them a mile off, they simply do not dress normally.
We have yet to spot a Dubtrolley, but I bet that even if they "dress down" somewhat, we will be able to spot them, even if they are some way from the cart.
Even in this hot weather the Mormon boys are still wearing ties, no jackets though, usually a white shirt with tie and a little name badge pinned to the shirt.
JDubs don't wear name badges unless at a Convention, but you can still spot 'em.
St George of England
Not just anyone can man (or woman) a trolley; you have to be 'approved'.
This means you have to wear a suit (men), no sports jacket/slacks and if the weather is cold you cannot wear an anorak, it must be an overcoat.
The Service Overseer has to approve you, you cannot just turn up with someone already doing trolley (or table) work.
There is also a new directive that each publisher engaged in this work is responsible for their own legal liabilty. The licence application must be made out in the name of the publisher, not WTB&TS, nor the local congregation. The licence fee must likewise be paid by the publisher, not the congregation. I asked on another thread if any elder can get a copy of this letter, it has only just been received but is not to be read to the congregation or placed on the noticeboard.
The licence fee must likewise be paid by the publisher, not the congregation.-George
Outrageous, but sadly no surprise. Kate xx