Today's wt study! Notice the faults?

by stuckinarut2 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    Did we all notice the way in which this weeks wt study (how to maintain a positive viewpoint) was all about keeping the flock positive even if they feel they are not doing enough in 'service'?

    the irony is that the very reason they feel stressed or worthless is because of the pressures the org puts on them to perform!!!

  • XkhanX

    I miss those older articles in the 90s about faith, love, and hope. Recent articles are trashy and serve to pacify the flock, which has already been worn out, skinned and thrown about. How to be positive? The positive ones are those Non-JWs and those who had left the Org. We can testify To that fact.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    It's a cult!

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    XKhanx- I agree the articles from the 90's seemed to have a warmer refreshing, compassionate, encouraging tone of love, faith and hope. Those articles drew people to the organization.

    Now it's all about trying to control every aspect of their lives and condemn what's left over to make them people worthless all the time. No matter what.

  • ohnightdivine

    The irony. Today's WT "study" almost made me cry.

    Not because my heart was touched, but because I felt anger about how they try to milk everything out of a person, push them and make them feel guilty about not doing enough, and then in the same paragraph say that the number of hours of service does not matter.

    Yeah, right. Fools.

  • ProfCNJ

    More of pedaling, then back-pedalling when the going gets tough. Sometimes, we are confused what the WT leadership really likes.

  • stillin

    The widow's donation being so small seemed a transparent ploy to those living widows now. Keep giving until it hurts people!

  • piztjw

    How To Maintain A Positive Viewpoint.??

    Don't listen to the jw's who are always saying you cannot do enough, contribute enough, comment enough, blah blah blah blah!

  • HeyThere

    the widows donation story and timing of it considering the apparent money grab going on right now.

  • Bobcat

    The article is, to some extent, a distraction. It gives a false target, so to speak. It focuses on the individuals down-hearted feelings.

    But the down-heartedness among many is related to dismay regarding the organization (its teachings and actions). The article never touches on this.

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