Today's wt study! Notice the faults?

by stuckinarut2 26 Replies latest watchtower bible


    So you feel like complete shit for being told that you always need to do more by a religion who has a 100 % prophetic failure rate?? So you have put your life on hold for decades, waiting for a paradise that will never come? Look on the bright side, field service time doesn't matter, just do your best. We will continue to judge you and accept your money!!

  • Ding

    It's hard to encourage people at the same time that you are telling them how far short they fall and how much more they ought to be doing.

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    typo correction- should of read: Now it's all about trying to control every aspect of their lives and condemn what's left over of their mental exsitence to make them feel worthless in their service to GOD all the time.

  • RichardHaley

    I could't get any father than par 8 without loosing intrest.

  • stillin

    Fault-finders! Buncha negative people around here!

  • clarity

    Good morning XkhanX welcome to this site.

    You say "I miss those older articles in the 90s about faith, love, and hope. Recent articles are trashy and serve to pacify the flock, which has already been worn out, skinned and thrown about. "


    You are dead on, the sheep are being skinned alive!

    The watchtower even has the nerve to make a brag

    about what they are really doing!

    The November 1 2012 watchtower (public edition) on

    page 27 this is 'hidden in plain view'.

    You will see a 'shepard' shearing a 'sheep' ...look again...

    you can easily see, he is not shearing the wool...... that

    sheep is getting skinned alive! You can see he is tearing

    at the wool & pulling the "skin" right off the poor bloody sheep!


    If anyone has that magazine, please post that page, it would

    be appreciated. Thank you.


  • skin

    Wouldn't that mag still be available for download on jw org?

  • clarity

    Skin ....thanks I think it might be but.....

    sorry I do not know how to post it here!

  • snare&racket

    it says much that they even have to print such an article for their followers..... meanwhile in the real world we are looking forward to the next GOT episode!

    In all seriousness, I do not miss the trauma of being a JW, feeling so guilty for doing so much for so little in return. Being an invisible cog in a giant machine that cares nothing beyond the demand that you keep spinning, keep on cogging...

    This belief system, it's leaders AND it's followers have lost perspective, they are spiralling into a pit of melancholy and it is all their own doing.

    It is so easy to step out of it..... yet we tell ourselves it is near imposible. Having done it, I have zero regrets. What a dark depressing time it was to 'serve' an organisation, to advertise full time for them,to work in their factory full time, to build building for them. It was not a humane experience, it was not a spiritual experience, it was all about absorbing as much from me as possible and with only rehashed oppresive religious opinion to consume in return for my youth.

    I gave them everything and in return for having questions lost what little they allowed us to have.

    They should be ashamed of what they have done to humans, using hope as a carrot on a stick to keep on demanding more..."just a little further"

    Want to be a positive person? Leave the doomsday cult!

  • clarity

    this is the magazine pg 27 I believe ...skinning the sheep (not fleecing)

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