It is so obviously a

by snare&racket 52 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • done4good

    Great post, Snare.

    The gambling addition analogy is appropriate. Actually, the concept of addiction itself is fitting. You made a point that I do not see made often on this board, but I observed in JWs as well. Born-ins and converts are not much different, once the "addiction" sets in. Think of a baby born to a drug addicted mother, vs. an adult addict. There is no real difference in terms of the signifcance of addiction in either. Either is equally powerful, and damaging.

    Addicted to what though? The addiction in this case, is of an existential nature. Existential anxiety is "fear of the unknowable". Concepts that religous belief cater to include,"why do we exist", "what do we feel when we die", and so on. These are things that fall into the unknowable category, when an absolute answer is sought. Generalizations can be made, (some obviously more accurate than others, i.e. those that lean toward a scientific explanation), but these things do remain unknowable in the absolute sense. Religions that have very black and white, very "absolute", answers about such things tend to dull the natural effect of this anxiety, (much like heroin does physical or emotional pain), and just as heroin, are very addictive. A born-in just inherits this addiction from their parents. An adult convert makes this choice once exposed to the "relief" it offers, of the existentialism. In the end, this is why there is little difference, and either type of JW really has just as good of chance of breaking free under the right conditions.

    What are the "right" conditions? Basically, in my observation, the pain of something else either directly or indirectly caused by the belief system needs to be more prevalent, than the pain caused by the existentialism, to the point where even the "withdrawal" symptoms are less painful.This is why many leave after experiencing a divorce, a judicial committee, being forced to "step down", etc. All of these things expose the sickness caused by the addiction.

    Add to this, the enormous amount of cognitive dissonance one experiences when reality challenges their belief system, and it becomes easy to see why it is so hard to break free. The cognitive dissonance is experienced because a person cannot imagine life without their "drug". It changes how they understand everything around them. The "unknowable" answers to things the religion once provided are suddenly not valid anymore. This is unaccaptable to almost anyone under the spell of belief, and therefore the response is rationalization, denial, etc.


  • DJS


    My trap was a bellief that the bible was the inspired word of god, and that somewhere in there was the 'truth' if we only read and understood it correctly. The Borg made more sense than most to me. The paradise earth, no hell fire, no trinity, no special elevated clergy class (so I thought) and a (false) international brotherhood all appealed to me. And all of these could be supported by 'gods word.'

    The control never appealed to me; I hated it from the beginning. I detested the controlling language and the myriad of rules, semi-rules, rules light, almost rules and walk, talk and quack like rules. They kept me lukewarm and not 'advancing' for years, until I buried them and 'reached out.'

    My hatred for the controlling rules finally re-emerged, in part because once I became an elder I found that the closer I got to the center of the core the more rotten the apple became. My disillusionment was difficult to contain. I only wish that the Internet and this site existed then.

    In summary, the Borg appealed to me because in some ways it was more 'rational' than the rest of Christendom. But the primary problem was the foundation on which all of it was built - my belief that the bible was inspired of god. Once that was removed, I was truly free. It was the best awakening ever.

    Nice OP.

  • Oubliette

    S&R: it seems like another life, another experience. It seems so incredibly false once you leave and it is very difficult to belive you even once accepted it!

    So true. It's more than a little humbling to admit to one's self that we were fooled, duped, conned, scammed, .... You get the idea!

    Nice OP, powerful writing!

  • suavojr

    Great post and comments.

    We have all been fooled but it is nice to be awake.

  • Finkelstein

    We have all been fooled but it is nice to be Awake.

    Good one, both puny and funny.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    This is a great post with so many excellent points brought out. We were in our late 50's when we faded 22 months ago and it has been so freeing. The further you get away from it you really see how crazy the whole thing really is. one of the things that has helped us also is reading and researching to debunk it all so you aren't confused in your mind. Once you realize it is a lie the scales fall off your eyes for good.

  • smiddy


    If you have kids in the religion, really there is no reason good enough on earth to keep them in it... get them out before they lose another day.

    I`m one of the lucky ones , my wife & 2 sons , a D.I.L., A S.I.L. and 2 of her 3 children and a nephew have all exited this cult religion , many years ago.


  • snare&racket

    Thanks for all your comments.

    This perspective explains so much, of course NOBODY wanted to talk to us, wanted our literature! Of course the growth is shamefully low, representing about half of the JW's kids staying and getting baptised and nothing more. What is on offer is utter madness!

    So you have been working in the factory/shop/garage/farm all week. You sit down for lunch on sunday and put on a good film to relax...

    Then....KNOCK KNOCK.....

    You ignore it.....

    KNOCK get up and answer the door...

    "Hello, we are just asking your neighbours and yourself whether you would like to live forever on a paradise earth?"

    OMG......we were batshit crazy !!!!!

  • Vidiot

    Is it just me, or is it freakishly similar to Amway?

  • truthseekeriam

    Such a wonderful post! I completely agree with what you have wrote. Thank you.

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