17 calls? Are you kidding me?!?!

by Jon Preston 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Well my wife and i still arent attending meetings....we first agreed to go here and there...oops. Anyways we missed the last meeting and suddenly our phone blew up! It was like 17 missed calls! A ton of "we miss you, how are you"'s and "Should we be concerned"'s and etc etc etc.

    But i have to sympathize. They dont know any better and im sure their concern is sincere. But goodness...its like having an overprotective mom checking on you to make sure you were ok crossing the street to check the mail.

    My resolve to move has increased 10 fold this week so im no longer tied to the troof at all...twighlight zone.


  • designs

    Curfew time.

  • Londo111

    At least people cared! Nobody ever checked on me when I left.


    C-RAZY TIME!!!

    Well our C.O/motivational speaker just said that the END is "rapidly approaching" and will occur without warning. He also said that anyone not in the
    Ark of JW-dom will be executed [ as nicely as possible, of course], despite the WTBTS double-speak of not really knowing who is going to be saved or not. So the dubs were just worried that YHWH would kill you.

  • XkhanX

    True. It happens to us. Many text mags, calls, FB comments asking abt our absence at meetings. They mean well.

    some pop by to visit (spy) on us during our fade. All these "loving concern" evaporated once we submitted our DA letter.

    it is a strange but liberating experience. Now we made new friends, contacted those ex-JW who had woken up n left, n those who are planning to leave.

    Sad that a Christain religion has deteriorated to this sad state of paranoidia, negativity & guilt.

  • NewYork44M

    I think that is a regional thing. In one congregation, there were those that regularly called. They eventually gave up on me, but I was never offended by their calls. When in Florida, I don't ever recall having this happen.

  • whathappened

    At one hall, I missed the meeting for 3 months and no one said a word to me. I went back and it was like no one noticed I was gone...not a word. I was just tired and depressed at the time, unaware of TTATT. Now, I haven't been to a meeting in 3 1/2 years. I never get a call or an invite. I guess I don't matter to anyone there and I am happy they leave me alone. I am not df'd or da'd, no witch hunt or anything. NICE!

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Wish theyd love me less lol sheesh. Sounds bad but yea...maybe i should DA lol


    They dont know any better and im sure their concern is sincere.

    Sincere Concern?.....From JW`s??!!..

    Tell them your having financial difficulties,you can`t pay your electric bill..And..

    If they give you money for it, your unable to pay them back..


    I Doubt You`ll Get 17 Concerned Phone Calls From JW`s..


    .................................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • FadeToBlack

    Actually, Outlaw - that is not always the case. As they say, YMMV. Recently, even though I no longer attend, I had to change jobs after not getting paid for 3 months and several 'friends' gave us money to get by. In the past, I gave a brother/friend several thousand dollars so he could keep a roof over his children's heads. I didn't ask him to sign any docs as the WTBatS recommends. I guess this is what normal people do too, but I wouldn't know. There are some good people who are still JW's....


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