17 calls? Are you kidding me?!?!

by Jon Preston 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals




    Those are Good Stories..

    Ya.....There are some Nice JW`s..

    .............................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Crazyguy

    Is it not amazing that they only care if you go to meetings or not, Oh my god what a bunch of crack pots, this also explains why we would make friends good friends in a hall and if they or we moved to another hall even if it were only 15-20 minutes away the friendship would fade away. I guess its all about your own congregation in this cult.

  • factfinder

    I have not been to any meetings in nearly 9 years and no one has ever called me.

  • kaik

    Consider yourself lucky. Some lonely pioneer woman died alone at home and was not discovered until several weeks due decomposing smell. She was buried on city expenses. Six to nine months later someone went to check up on her to find out that she was long dead and cremated. Yep, they cared...

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    the END is "rapidly approaching"


    LOL! The "End" is so close....which is why WT is involved in a several-year massive building project in Warwick and is demanding money for "35 Assembly Hall" projects and "13,000" Kingdom Hall projects. Apparently God hasn't gotten the memo that WT has an empire to build.... and God will just have to delay Armageddon for another few centuries.

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    "How DARE they show...love and concern for me in my unexplained absence?!"

    And here I am completely alone with neither family nor 'friend' bothering to call or visit in over 2 years...but it makes me feel better knowing that at least my problems aren't as horrible as yours! [\sarcasm]

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Heres the thing Oberon...they are spying...utilizing good little deeds to find out why we arent at meetings and what we are up to. I know the technique. I am in a different situation. I dont have family in. I live in a small town, love my privacy, and i know these loving acts are only to do one thing...save me from this spiritual weakness they all think i have. If they wanted to come hang out all they have to do is ask...but no its "can i drop by", "can i bring you somentoys my study gave me".......to me thats a ploy to spy. An elders wife whos elder hisband doesnt want to come and just hang out but is on secret society business under the guise of charity and kindness.

  • punkofnice

    'We missed you at the meetings(tm)!' Always hated that. Why not miss me in the street or at Tesco?

    At least you had some callers. When I left it was just elders wanting me to go to a JC. Arrogant pillocks!

  • stuckinarut2

    It depends on the elder / servant body....

    And recently of course the last co visit had a special meeting encouraging all inactive to be followed up by the elders and servants...

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    "Heres the thing Oberon...they are spying"

    Wow, talk about reading malicious intent into simple actions with no evidence whatsoever. You are paranoid and are looking through rose colored glasses.

    Perhaps you could simply be honest with them and let them know outright that "I do not wish to talk to you and I do not wish to associate with you anymore. Our values and goals in life are now too different and it makes continued friendship unfeasible. Please do not keep calling me."

    But as it is, you are the one who is being cruel and unreasonable by just suddenly disappearing and not letting anyone know what is going on.

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