Just wanted to say hello. I have alot to say, but I'm not good at typeing. I'm still in the org. I will probaly stay just to keep the peace in my family. My spouse just can't get enough of that funky stuff. Its funny how things look when you step out of the box. venting.
by venting 25 Replies latest jw friends
Hello Venting and welcome from Unky Punky the Brit Apostate(tm).
Take care as you may come to a stage where you're bursting to expose the WBT$ for what it is. That's why my family broke up.
Hi venting , your on the right track, take it easy.
Best wishes
Welcome venting.
JWN is a great place in many ways.
Freedom of expression is one which seems to have powerful benefits - especially growth and development.
Please stay and share as you feel comfortable.
And you don't have to be an expert at typing either.
new hope and happiness
Well you keep " venting". I guess its nice to have found a place you can vent....i remember as a lurker finding this place and i went to sleep exhausted.You see i didnt even post i just researched.
Make Lemonade
Welcome. Will be looking forward to more about what is going on in your life. The story of how you ended up joining this forum. Also, it is worthwhile reading the advice and experiences of others. Especially when the comments help the person who is reaching out.
Hope you find peace.
The Searcher
Welcome VENTING - you're not alone, there are a number of us here who are still 'in' physically, but out mentally.
Enjoy the info from the Org before it reaches congregations, and the discussions.
Welcome! You come to the right place to vent.
Happy you found JWN, it's the right place for you to vent and find many others who are stuck in, like yourself.
We look forward to your posts!