A glaring example of how Watchtower's insertion of "Jehovah" corrupts the NT

by Island Man 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Apognophos

    Yes, exactly.

  • Splash

    A confusing quote from a WT:

    *** w51 5/15 p. 296 par. 11 Healing for Life in the New World ***
    "Therefore both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah. For to this end Christ died and came to life again, that he might be Lord over both the dead and the living.” (Rom. 14:8, 9, NW) So the faithful Christian who fails to recover and dies still belongs to the Lord Jesus."

    I guess if you can't make up your mind, choose both!


  • Island Man
    Island Man

    It would make an interesting study to comb through the NWT and carefully examine the context of every insertion of "Jehovah" in the NT to see how many obvious instances of such glaring errors, exist. Maybe even publish the findings online.

  • dabster

    Thanks for this, Island Man. Feel like finding more of this sort of thing?

    Apognophos, thanks to you too. If, despite what Paul is reasoning, doubts were to persist, we'd need to look no further than v. 9 "For if you publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord,+ and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved." Jesus is Lord and it is through belief in him (v.11) that we're saved, making the "Jehovah" inserted into v.13 totally out of whack with everything else Paul is saying.

  • Apognophos

    Oops. Thanks for bringing that out, dabster. I was supposed to point that out, but forgot to. When it's presented properly (better than I did a couple days ago), one should be able to get a Witness to acknowledge that the passage is consistently focused on Jesus. They might look up some Society explanation for this which resorts to gymnastics to explain how Jesus is not the Lord, just a Lord appointed by God, but Paul's reasoning is pretty straightforward, so it falls to the reader to decide whether to trust his own common sense, or to believe a complex explanation from outside the Bible.

  • dabster

    I thought it must have been an oversight, Apognophos.

    You know (forgive us for going off-topic, Island Man, but I just have to say this), I once mentioned this to a JW neighbour and the reaction took me completely by surprise. He jumped from his seat and said things like, "Then I've been hoodwinked! If I am wrong at this point I'll miss the mark completely!" He continued talking like this, very agitatedly, for some time. It was kind of startling. I finally thought it best to help him simmer down. This didn't come about through my compelling presentation but by the work of the Holy Spirit, I'm absolutely convinced of it. Unfortunately he has since repressed this memory (or appears to have) and continues talking as he previously did.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    You have touched on a significant tool for analysing most of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures - the tool's name is: Chiasm(s).

    Hebrew poetry does not rhyme, it works in patterns. Determining the Chiastic structure usually helps to identify the key issue being taught. People see but they fail to know what they are seeing.

    There should be any amount of information on chiasms on the www. For example, some of my chiastic analyses are available at:


    The word "chiasm" comes from the Greek letter Chi (X). The "X" in Xmas represents the Greek letter "Chi".


  • cultBgone

    The word "chiasm" comes from the Greek letter Chi (X). The "X" in Xmas represents the Greek letter "Chi".


    Now THAT is a cool trivia point! I always thought it was used by people not wanting to use "Christ" because they didn't believe in the holiday....thanks!

  • leaving_quietly

    It would make an interesting study to comb through the NWT and carefully examine the context of every insertion of "Jehovah" in the NT to see how many obvious instances of such glaring errors, exist. Maybe even publish the findings online.

    Perhaps this site would be of interest: http://www.tetragrammaton.org/

    Specifically look at http://www.tetragrammaton.org/copydivname.html

  • johnamos


    15 He saith unto them, But who say ye that I am?

    16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.


    5 And the seventh angel sounded; and there followed great voices in heaven, and they said, The kingdom of the world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ: and he shall reign for ever and ever.



    15 Then Jesus said to his followers, “And who do you say I am?”

    16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”


    15 The seventh angel blew his trumpet. Then there were loud voices in heaven. The voices said, “The kingdom of the world has now become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah. And he will rule forever and ever.”

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