Why is there pain-suffering..Apologists view

by gumby 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby

    Here is an Apologist view of why there is suffering.

    Answer c. just didn't cut it for me.
    Basically he is saying "everything God did turned out to sin"; eg. Satan, Adam and eve.

    He dosen't answer the question... "why would God make something with that potential. Especially when that potential goes bad in every case"?

    Here it is:


    Questions and Objections Part 4
    Tough Questions Page Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

    Why is there evil and suffering in the world?
    The question implies that if a good God exists, then evil shouldn't because God being all powerful should stop it.
    We need to ask and answer two questions. First, what is evil? It is that which is against God. It is anything morally bad or wrong. It is injurious, depraved, wicked. Some acceptable examples might be murder, rape, stealing, lying, and cheating. Second, if we want God to stop evil do we want Him to stop all evil or just some of it? In other words, if just some of it then why? If He were to stop only part of the evil, then we would still be asking the question, "Why is there evil in the world?".
    Let's suppose that someone was about to commit murder. God would have to stop him, maybe whisper in his ear, or if that didn't work do something a little more drastic like have something fall on him, or stop his heart, or make his hands suddenly fall off. Anyway, God would have to do something.
    What if somebody wanted to steal? God would have to stop him too, right? Undoubtedly, God's imagination would permit a more practical method than I have suggested, but the end results would be the same.
    What about lying? If someone were to tell a lie, then to be consistent wouldn't you want God right there to stop that person from lying? After all, He couldn't let any evil occur could He?
    Let's take it a step further. Suppose someone thought something evil. Then, of course, God would have to step in and prevent him from thinking anything bad at all, right? The end result would be that God could not allow anyone to think freely. Since everyone thinks and no one thinks only pure thoughts, God would be pretty busy and we wouldn't be able to think. Anyway, at what point do we stop, at the murder level, stealing level, lying level, or thinking level? As your questions implies, if you want God to stop evil, you would have to be consistent and want Him to do it everywhere all the time, not just pick and choose. It wouldn't work.
    Evil is in this world partly because we give it its place but ultimately because God, in His sovereignty, permits it and keeps it under His control.
    Then you might say, "Couldn't He just make us perfect and that way we wouldn't sin?" He already did that. He made a perfect angel, Satan, but he sinned. He made a perfect man, Adam, and he sinned. He made a perfect woman, Eve, and she sinned. God knows what He is doing. He made us the way we are for a purpose. We don't fully understand that purpose, but He does.
    God is sovereign; He has the right to do as He wishes. He has the right to permit evil for accomplishing His ultimate will. How can He do that? Simple, look at the cross. It was by evil means that men lied and crucified Jesus. Yet God in His infinite wisdom used this evil for good. It was on the cross that Jesus bore our sins in His body (1 Peter. 2:24) and it is because of the cross that we can have forgiveness of sins.
    Consider the biblical example of Joseph in the Old Testament. He was sold into slavery by his brothers. Though they meant it for evil, God meant it for good (Gen. 50:20). God is so great that nothing happens without His permission, and in that permission His ultimate plan unfolds. In His plan He is able to use for good what man intends for evil. God is in control.

  • Sangdigger

    "Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee" (book of Psalms)He is in Absolute Control of his creation. I think scripture shows one of the main reasons he allowed Adam to fall, thus spiraling man into total depravity, is to show his mercy.

  • julien

    I am convinced that all of mankind's suffering and misery has its roots in mortality.

  • ThiChi

    "If there was no evil in the world, how could man choose good?"*

    *Judaism thought of the 15th century

  • Dutchie

    Sanddigger, to show his mercy to whom? Is that why Adam and Eve were created? Was it really just an ego trip for God to show how long suffering he could be. What did he, after all, have to prove and to whom did he have to prove it? After all he claims to be the creator of the whole universe and all things in it.

  • NameWithheld

    If that's god's plan, he can kiss my ass, 'cause he's a jerk-off asshole.

  • gumby

    God knows all things correct?

    Then he KNEW his creation would fail...that Satan would fall, that Adam and Eve would fall.....correct?

    He could see ALL the pain and suffering down thru the ages BEFORE he created....correct?

    So he say's..."Im going to create anyway,... sin, death, and suffering will take over what I have made....but I'm going to do it anyway cuz I have a plan.
    I will send my Son who will be murdered, and his blood will take care of the mess that will happen".

    I'm not doubting a loving God in saying all of this...it's just hard to swallow many's explanations for all this.
    I wish I had one to offer.

  • Bleep

    Satan raised the question who has a right to rule over mankind? Anyone know what verse in the New World Translation? Well anyways I hope I helped you with that big Q. And do not forget 1,000 years is just a day to our grand creator, Jehovah. Plenty of time to see if humans have the right to rule without the creator, the one who knows whats best for us all. Praise Jah you people.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    This argument will always solicit WHY this and WHY that. At this moment in time, and probably for years to come, there is no definate answer, that's a given. For me, LIFE is like a 500 piece puzzle where we've put together 200 pieces - we CAN make out the borders and some of the picture but by and large we're clueless because we don't have the box top to know what we're putting together. However, the picture IS there, and once the pieces are all in place, we'll look back and think "Of course, it all fits".

  • Bleep

    Yes it is based on faith that you have enough pieces to finish the puzzle. It will be given to us all at the proper time. We have a God that cares for us all and wants us all to be like him.

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