From what I have read of what happened, and reading bits of his books after he left and what he is said to have written while still in, he was a true leader in that he was trying to move the religion away from what he knew was the wrong view on so many things.
A true leader was not the model that was respected then or now; this is a group of yes men who get to the top by keeping the status quo, something Ray threatened.
He is said to have been responsible for calling the KM 'Our Kingdom Service', with the explanation that were were NOT all ministers in the sense that the scriptures talked about, and that whatever we did could be considered a way of living to God.
He (along with Dunlap and Lengtat?) researched and wrote the Insight book; the research he did is said to have been the cause of some of his shifts in belief.
He also wrote one of the most enjoyable books to come out of Bethel, A Commentary on James; this book is not full of the usual bombast and hating that other WT books are full of.
Did he not have the political skills to win out over the dinosaurs? I think that is probably the case; too bad.