Hi CommitteeChairman,
With me that feeling stuck around for a few years. When I would see the people I loved that were witnesses I would get shy and act as if I had done something wrong. I would at times wonder if I was just a bad person who wasn't able to believe gods truths.
And then slowly but surely it all started to unravel. As the brain washing wore off, I began to see people for who they were and not for just what they believed. More and more each day it was clearer and clearer on how crazy these "dooms day cults" and other religions are, and that we were not that special in how we teach and believe. I stopped using the words like "The Truth" "us" "we" and began to see that so many around the world think they're special, that they right and you're wrong.
Finally I'm free of all the guilt and all the worry, because they're nothing special.
If a man came to you today and said he figured it all out, gave you dates and numbers, measured pyramids to prove it, all we would have to do is google it and he would be finished.
People will follow crazy people, but I am no longer one of them.
Good luck