Good points Finklestein and LisaRose. As a Witness, I worried about the "varieties" of religious convictions all being "false" and "of Satan", especially thinking that from the Watchtower's view, even "sincere" members in the churches of Christendom were doomed - yet from those believers' view they had a deep, abiding faith in "God" and genuinely believed they had evidence of "God's" blessing and protection. And this was all a product of being duped by Satan??? Was Satan so powerfully deceitful that even those who thought they were "true" believers weren't? And if that's the case, how would I know if the organization was able to escape Satanic influence with its narrow, protective, defensive stand against having its authority questioned?
Oh, the tortured, oppressive worries of those raised to believe they alone are right. I own the part of me that stupidly followed this for so long, despite never-ending misgivings about what it "meant" to declare one's own religion "true" and all other's false..