Skunks underneath the house...
All you wise, intelligent, brilliant folks, what's the best method to get rid of God's lovely creature.
by jam 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We had a cute family of skunks move in ( and under the house) one summer. Trays filled with ammonia seemed to help.
LOL designs. I use cotton ball dip in ammonia, never thought about
using a tray. I had cotton balls all over the yard, my gardener ask me
one day "what's with the cotton balls". LOL
Would Animal Control come and remove them for you?
I once had to call Animal Control because I left the basement door open one night when we were living in the city and a big old alley cat invited himself in. We woke up to the biggest mess of hissing and fighting in the middle of the night cause Mr. Alleycat decided to fight my two resident cats for the privilege of living there.
We called Animal Control and told them we had some kind of a mangy beast howlin and yowlin in our house fighting with our cats and we were afraid to go outside the bedroom to break it up.When they laughed, my husband decided to man up and go take care of business armed with a fire extinguisher and holding the ironing board in front of him like a shield. He made his way out to the living room and chased the thing behind the sofa. He figured if he could open the front door without getting attacked, he might convince the thing to leave out the door once and for all and that would be the end of it.
Well, he made his move and jumped to grab the doorknob. He opened it up and aimed the fire extinguisher at the creature for convincing. The alleycat shot out the door with my husband straight after him shooting off the fire extinguisher as he ran out the door into the street. The sun was just starting to come up when Animal Control pulled up and there in the middle of the street, a cloud of dust still swirling around him, stood my husband in his underpants with his weapon still drawn. He put the fire extinguisher down and sheepishly told the lady from Animal Control, "Thank you for coming ma'am, but I took care of it myself."
I think the moral of that story is don't do any animal wrangling that Animal Control is willing to do for you. And also, possibly, always wear more than just your drawers if you try to do it yourself.
jam - I don't know, but after the little ones are weaned, would it be easier? I don't know skunk behaviour, but will they abandon the 'nest' after that?
Great Teacher.......... ahahaha! I can just picture that! And for an alleycat, ahahaha. They can make quite the strange noises when they are in heat, or fighting. Thanks for the chuckle. :D
If there are babies, (as Talesin mentioned), the whole group will probably move out when the babies are able. We have a coon mom and babies in our attic now. We seem to get that each year. They always leave when the babies are big enough. I'm not sure about skunks, though. If there are babies, though, and if they aren't causing a problem, please let them stay.
Great Teacher - Alley cats are basically domestic cats that have been
abandoned. "Feral" wild, because they were dumped or left behind by
irresponsible owners, they starve, are attacked by dogs and live a frightened
desperate life, this cat was probably starving to death and needed food.
Nice job.
Feral cats are dangerous in behavior and dangerous because they are unvaccinated and carry disease. The WORST thing to do is feed them because then you will have every feral cat in the neighborhood living at your house.
The most impressive thing I've seen regarding feral cats is trapping, spaying or neutering and then rereleasing them into their original territory to both reduce the population and improve their health. However, this happened 20 years ago and the city I lived in did nothing other than trap and euthanize. This cat got another go at it.
I agree with villagegirl.
Feral cats are dangerous in behavior and dangerous because they are unvaccinated and carry disease
I have vast experience with with both feral and non-feral cats. I have no idea where you get your info. Yes, some do carry disease, but that disease (like feline leukemia) makes them dangerous to each other, not really humans. We humans are far more dangerous to each other in transmitting disease than feral cats are to humans. They "are dangerous in behavior"????? How's that????? Again, far less dangerous than some of your fellow humans.
village girl, you are so angry ...... I get it, but no need to lay a guilt trip on someone who was afraid of what was in their alley. I *AM* the crazy cat lady, so I agree with, and try to help, the feral cats .......... goddess, I love my feline friends so much ........ but that person did not know what they were dealing with .
......... back on the OP, skunks ............ I dunno, jam, maybe wait a few weeks, and then clean them out?