Is College Worth It? Clearly, New Data Say...

by NewYork44M 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJS


    It's as I said, too many uneducated and under-educated don't know how to analyze data. An anecdote or personal experience, though not without merit, hasn't much to do in many cases with facts. The Dubs haven't been trained to think, so they aren't very good at it.

  • Skinnedsheep

    Very interesting. I am one of the few exceptions to have a well paying corporate job without an advanced degree. Despite this I am returning to school to get my undergrad in business management to further my career opportunities. I also want to set an example for my kids and show them that YES a college degree is important.

  • Mum

    Education is not entirely about making money. It should impart the ability to be more sensitive and understanding of one's fellow humans. It also should enhance one's appreciation of the finer things of life. As an Appalachian American, I had a wonderful childhood in the wilds of rural America. I realize now that I would have loved to learn about great art, great music and great literature! We had the Bible and a radio, which was wonderful, but there's more to life!

    Personally, I think a skilled trade is fine for earning a living, but there's also more to life than working to survive.

    troubled mind: ditto to what jgnat said. I'm so excited for her!

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