Why didn't Jehovah destroy the polygamists just as he did the Sodomites?

by I_love_Jeff 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NotNew

    Should the Jehovah's Witnesses' God not have destroyed the "fornicators" that married multiple wives just as He did the sinners in Sodom and Gomorrah?

    According to the law of the time God choose when and how to apply...Rules seemed to apply to the lower class...not leaders. Just like today! With few exceptions.

    I was having this conversation about sin and K-David with someone and they said God applied backwards the ransom of Jesus to K-David

    Although I have not seen that in print...it may very well be somewhere that this is alluded to.

    Also in K-David case god needed him to fulfill prophesy so he had to find a way to excuse his sin...deserving of death. Others of that time were put to death for similar reasons.

    I guess God can and does change his rules as he chooses...where's the justice in that, when rules are applied differently?


  • I_love_Jeff


    Should the Jehovah's Witnesses' God have destroyed the "fornicators" that married multiple wives just as He did the sinners in Sodom and Gomorrah?

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