Please don't attack me if this is the wrong place! I'm new here!
I know that I definitely shouldn't be on this website, but I am to embarassed to ask anyone at my hall! Everyone would be so nice, but I just feel like I should know the answers already.
First, a little background: I've been around the truth forever, but I grew up in a divided home and my attendance hasn't been regular in service and whatnot. Anyway my dad never took me to the meetings regularly enough for me to be familiar with everything. So, this is my first CO visit where I will be attending both meetings! We already had the regular Thursday study, but I'm not sure what will happen on the second one. I guess I shouldn't really worry about it since it will be the last one like it... but still, I would like to know how to prepare! I can't ask my dad, I think it would make him feel bad, so here I am! Thanks friends! :)