I hope this is the right place for this...

by moSIS 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    So, this is my first CO visit where I will be attending both meetings! We already had the regular Thursday study, but I'm not sure what will happen on the second one. I guess I shouldn't really worry about it since it will be the last one like it... but still, I would like to know how to prepare! I can't ask my dad, I think it would make him feel bad, so here I am! Thanks friends! :)

    Welcome moSIS from your uncle Punky in the U.K. former elder and pioneer at you service.

    When you say you don't know how to prepare, in what way.

    Some good info as above.

    I wouldn't worry too much. The CO is just a company man sent by the watchtower corporation business to ensure consistancy of obedience from the flock.

    Let us know how it went.

  • galaxie

    Hi mosis (could that be inspired by Moses?) Best thing you could do is, whatever you are being taught at the meetings do not hesitate to discuss here on this forum.

    You will be able then to have different viewpoints as to the subject matters credibility.

    Consequently you will be able to make up your OWN mind as to it's truthfulness.

    Best wishes and welcome.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Hi Mosis, we are all genuinely delighted that you have come here to to talk - and learn, hopefully.

    Just always keep in mind that you will be in very great danger if you refuse to do what the apostle John INSTRUCTED every Christian to do - " Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1)

    Enjoy your stay here, and learn as much as you can!

  • jookbeard

    you wont waste more of your time or find anything as pointless and futile as starting attending these worthless so called meetings , there are hundreds of more worthwhile things you can be doing, boot them into touch my dear and find something better to do with your time.

  • Fernando

    Welcome moSIS.

    It is quite easy to ignore the small handful of unfriendly posts and posters, and have a blast on JWN, if you put your mind to it.

    Please keep coming back and sharing whatever you are conmfortable to.

    Another website you definitely should (not) visit is JWfacts.com

    Best wishes on your life journey


  • TheListener

    Hi moSIS. KateWild provided the correct information regarding your 2nd CO meeting. I didn't attend the meetings for the last CO visit but my wife did and she seemed to have enjoyed it. Feel free to post afterward how it went.

    I know some of us on JWN can come off as angry or intolerant but remember that there is a lot of emotional rawness here (since many of us come here to heal). The need to vent and warn others when given the slightest opening seems to be an unstoppable reaction.

  • problemaddict

    Hello moSIS,

    Welcome to the forum. You sound a bit young?

    The tuesday and thursday meetings are basically the normal meeting broken up into two pieces, with a CO giving a closing talk at each one. That is pretty much it.

    Actually they are doing away with that, and even when the CO is in town there will be only one meeting that week. Probbaly to make it less tough on the visiting CO.

    I hope that helps.

    I have a question for you. What brought you to this little corner of the world?


  • skeeter1

    Go and worship the CO like you are worldly and he's your mom on Mother's Day, your dad on Father's Day, like it's his birthday and it's ok to worship him. JWs are not supposed to worship man, unless it's the CO. Give the CO and his wife lots of compliments. If you have some money in your pocket, give it directly to him as part of your handshake. The elders do this too, called a green handshake. Tell him it's becuase he needs help in his worship. You'll be the total hit of his visit and make alot of brownie points!

  • jgnat

    I find the most useful accoutrement to the meeting is a blank notebook and a sharp pencil. Then I write whatever I want. If you carry a case of some kind, the congregation will leave you alone.

  • moSIS

    Thank you everyone who answered my question!! (Especially problemaddict, KateWild, and SyntaxError1974.) I think I'll come back in the future to ask any others I may have! For being so kind, I thought I'd answer a few of yours:

    moSIS, how was the COs meeting? Did you learn anything useful or meaningful? Do you really want to become a Jehovah's Witness someday in the future?

    I enjoyed the talk, but I really was looking forward to seeing the CO's wife. She's really quite a hoot! Though, you know, the meeting was nice too. :) The CO shared a pretty funny illustration that he usually uses for the pioneer school. Despite the laughs, I think it'll be really useful for sorting out some of Satan's more crafty attacks. Also, yes, I have some hope, I'd like to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses.. but I'm just so underqualified to serve Jehovah. Honestly, I don't see that happening, there are just such better people that Jehovah can use.

    (could that be inspired by Moses?)

    Well, I am divinely beatiful...

    Lol, just joking! It definitely is inspired by Moses. I really feel just so shy and I'm really the exact opposite of eloquence. I feel like he could really relate to my feelings!

    What brought you to this little corner of the world?

    Right, okay, so, I feel like I answered this a little with my first post. Though, I guess I should be a little more specific. Despite being raised around the truth, there's a lot of things still seem new to me because I never had any sort of regular study schedule at home or attendance at meetings. I tried searching for my questions on the JW website, but you can't exactly find things like, "How much should I give the driver in service for gas money?" on the website. Lol! Anyway, asking my trusty old pal Google brought me here a few times in my searching and I decided to try my Qs here.

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