Oops! I think my numbers up!

by Oneoutallout 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oneoutallout

    Had a call from an elder a few weeks ago, asking if he could visit. Managed to get away with saying thanks but no thanks. Had another one tonight. "We've heard you celebrated Christmas last year"! He caught me between clearing broken glass, a noisy four year old and cooking dinner. Couldn't think quickly enough and just said that's right mate. "Can we talk with you about it?" What is there to talk about? I had to leave it there as chaos surrounded me.

    Thinking back on it the first thing he said was I'm on speaker and his 18 year old son is there. i didnt twig until then. "Two witnesses"! Sneaky. I suppose he did warn me.

    I texted him him later and said I didn't want to talk. Then texted again and said that I wanted to make it clear I didn't 'celebrate' Christmas, I just put a tree up and gave my kids presents. I didn't want to be disfellowshipped for that. if they are going to do it they should do it for apostasy!! I told the elders what I thought of the religion and the bible right from the start. Hey ho! My immediate family are out anyway and we are all shunned so no big deal. i would dissociate before they do it but don't want to go along with the JW system. It been a funny old week. :-)

  • KateWild

    Thinking back on it the first thing he said was I'm on speaker and his 18 year old son is there. i didnt twig until then. "Two witnesses"! Sneaky. I suppose he did warn me.

    Yet another piece of evidence that proves elders want to DF JWs not help them. They could have just left you alone, the point of causing all this unneccessary upset is too keep the other JWs in the cong in line, loyal and living in fear. You are the example that we just can't leave if we want to.

    Kate xx

  • maninthemiddle

    Despite what some say I remain convinced there is effort underway to purge faders.

  • AnnOMaly

    Yikes! You're toast. Still, if it's no big deal, hey ho indeed

    And what Kate said.

  • BluesBrother

    I didn't 'celebrate' Christmas, I just put a tree up and gave my kids presents

    Well, that is celebrating it in their eyes....and now you have confessed in text. Still, if you don't care too much then it will be a blessing in disguise

  • skeeter1

    They're going to think you a strange bird for saying didn't celebrate but put up tree and gave christmas.

  • Oneoutallout

    Strange indeed skeeter1. i know what you mean! Haha. I didn't want him to think I'd gone and joined some wacky religion! (Again) The kids wanted it, my wife agreed, so we went all out, just for the fun of it. I'm surprised it took so long for it to get to this. Five months. Not bad really. it's now almost three years since I first expressed by doubts. There are only a handful of witnesses talking to us now. My brother and his family cut us off a few months ago. I feel sorry for them. How long do they wait for the big A until they wake up and realise it ain't appening? What a waste!

  • cultBgone

    Maninthemiddle, if they purge all the faders won't their worldwide headcount drop dramatically?

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    ROTLMAO @cultBgone

  • skeeter1

    The more off your comments are, then perhaps the more they will leave you alone. Nothing threatening, just really off & wierd.

    Horses do this. Some horses try to overpower the person. But, if the person starts acting like a monkey with their arms, and doign some random, jerky movements with their body . . .the horse backs off. It's like the horse thinks, "Hey, this person ain't right." Same thing with people. I heard a comedian say that when someone comes up to him kind of ticked off (like in a traffic situation), he is goign to say, "Hey, you're wearing my jacket. I haven't seen it for months. Did you come into my house and steal it?" And, the agressor will leave. I live in a close-close community. There are those I don't care to be around. I do the similar things. It works well.

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