Do you think the age has passed when there can be no new religions?

by truthseeker 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I think we are already living in the age where there can be no new religions. We have access to information like never before and anyone claiming revelations of something new and starting a whole new religion can easily be discredited.

    Christianity and Islam may continue to subdivide but I think we've pretty much seen the end of anything new in terms of a new belief system.

    What are your thoughts on this?

  • thomasaquinas

    There will always be new religions in that men and women crave prominance and desire to tell the future of all whom will listen.

  • OneEyedJoe

    As long as there are people (with money) looking for answers there will be someone ready to give them their answers. If abundance of information were something that could stop the formation of a new religion, there wouldn't be cults.

    There will always be people who will accept what they're told because they want it to be true. Unless there's some way to force such ones to do their due dilligence before commiting to a new belief system, there will be new religions springing up. There will always be people selling a new message of hope to those that are looking for it.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    We have access to information like never before


    Access to information, facts and evidence rarely sways the mind of the religious devotee.

  • truthseeker

    I was thinking of a new religion on the scale of Islam or Christianity.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I wouldn't discount the appearance of a completely new religion that grows to a billion or more followers. As the saying goes, no one ever went broke underestimating the inteligence of the masses.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    If people will willingly pay over and over again to see this guy stare at them then it just proves there is a limitless supply of stupid people gullible enough to believe anything, so yes there will always be believers in any old twaddle.

  • Quarterback

    We may have topped the limit of the religion list, but, we certainly have more room for new diet books.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    There is a saying "There is a sucker born every minute"

    By David Hannum. And I think there are a lot of wolfs aware of it.

    I think there is always room for new and better religions, Like Scientology.

    The founder said a person could make a million dollars by starting a religion.

  • OnTheWayOut

    When I hear of best sellers like "Proof of Heaven," I am confident that there will be new religions popping up.

    People will go through phases where they worship nature again, where they worship some part of our science that put "God" into a smaller gap, and people will follow some guy.

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