Do you think the age has passed when there can be no new religions?

by truthseeker 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    The growing elevation of education within the general public has gradually weaken the social desire to worship

    deities or have involvement in spiritualism .

    I cant see today a religion sprouting up and flourishing to the extent Christendom or Islam has, you might

    say those religions have already consumed the population for one generation to the next.

    Diverse cults may pop up by corrupt insincere people from time to time and they will falter in and disappear as they do.


    There are always going to be predators going after weak minded ignorant people, thats an unfortunate fact of life.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I feel it is guaranteed that new religions will emerge and existing ones will change. Prince Philip is worshipped. I studied about cargo cults in anthropology. People with no contact with other humans still exist. Last month I read the account of Michael Rockefeller's death. The group suspected of murdering and eating him had no contact. They had mythology and ceremonies.

  • Finkelstein

    Prince Philip is worshiped.

    But there is a difference between idolizing and worshiping.

    Religion involves spiritualism.

    What defines a religion from a small fringe cult might very well be the how many people

    are participating and how many doctrines they are adhering to.

  • Fernando

    Religion I believe has had its heyday and has been in decline since the partial death blow dealt in 1517 by Martin Luther.

  • Giordano

    In all likely hood you will continue to see more cults and semi new religions based on established traditions but something as big as Christianity or Islam, Hindu........... probably not.

    A movement in China is a possibility however they too have opted to reinvigorate traditional Chinese religions.

    However there is a growing number (not a religion) that is now the third largest responders on surveys 1.3 billion people who do not identify with any particular religion. They are nondenominational. I believe the number to be much higher since many people will claim their traditional religion but are inactive and uninterested in resuming an association.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Hell no.

    Kopimism is a very new religion for instance

    There are many MANY new religons however they end to be either:



    Pagan revised


    Christianity is on the way down because not as many new age christian based religions have started in the last ten years.

  • bobert

    I think there'll continue to be new sects of various religions. I personally don't expect anything big since religion has been on a pretty big decline.

  • truthseeker

    prettyA pretty much all religions started out as legends. How would anyone be able to create mythology in today's information centric world?

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Prince Phillip is worshipped by a cargo cult... cargo cults will dissapear!

  • b00mslang

    Let's start one.

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