Misquote in the Creation Book

by ILoveTTATT 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Magnum

    This means they used the same creationist source. The WT was using creationist propoganda when they made the creation book.

    I believe they used (stole/plagiarized) from other creationist publications when they wrote the Evolution book, too (that's the book that preceded the Creation book). I read that entire book when I was in my early twenties and it was one of the things that helped me make the decision to get baptized.

    I later was in a public library when I chanced upon some material that led me to believe, as I just mentioned, that they "borrowed" their material from another organization.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    What I find even more apalling than the quote being taken out of context is utter lack of intelligence behind the argument it is being used to advance. If divided opinions among evolutionists is to be regarded as refuting the validity of evolution, then what about the far more divided opinions among christians with the multiplicity of sects and denominations? Wouldn't that likewise refute the validity of christianity? Blind, hypocritical, unthinking drone of a Watchtower writer!

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    The lastest brochure on 'Origins of Life' uses very careful but bogus questions. Showing how complex the DNA is.... Could it happen by chance? No you %^** it couldnt! Obviously it took over a billions year to go from reproducing monomers to DNA... F***ing idiots!

  • ILoveTTATT

    Very good point Island man!! I thought EXACTLY the same thing!!

  • smiddy

    If divided opinions among evolutionists is to be regarded as refuting the validity of evolution, then what about the far more divided opinions among christians with the multiplicity of sects and denominations? Wouldn't that likewise refute the validity of christianity?

    Spot on Island man.


  • ozbrad
  • AnnOMaly

    In addition to ozbrad's resource, it's worth checking out http://corior.blogspot.com/ under the subheading, "The WTS View of Creation and Evolution" - it's VERY detailed. But there's nothing like discovering the misleading and misapplied quotes for yourself, hey?

    A comment from the site:

    In general, Creation presents an incomplete and distorted picture of geologists' findings and of what evolutionists say. A journal that reviewed the book* said that

    "the anonymous author or authors... of this book not only quote out of context but also fail to show the reader that words, phrases and clauses have been omitted from quotations."

    It commented further that

    "one additional distinction between The Society's book and Scientific Creationism [Henry Morris, Institute for Creation Research] is worthy of criticism. As noted above we find that quotations from scholars in the various scientific disciplines are routinely taken out of context. The result is that scientists such as Eldredge, Gould, Jastrow, Johanson, Mayr, Ruse, Stanley, and Wald, to name a few, appear to the naive reader to reject all aspects of evolutionary theory. The pattern of treatment is like that of Morris; however, The Society goes one step further. It is not unusual for words or phrases to be omitted without the use of ellipses to indicate such changes."

    In essence, Creation attempts to convert scientists' arguments about the pattern and process of evolutionary change into arguments about the very existence of change. Many other Watchtower publications are equally deficient in adherence to the facts or to the intent of the author they are quoting. Interestingly, the 1967 book Did Man Get Here By Evolution Or By Creation? distorted scientists' comments much less than does the Creation book. It is sad that the older book's higher standards have not been followed.


    *Creation/Evolution, vol. 12, No. 1, p. 30, 33, National Center for Science Education, Berkeley, California, Summer, 1992.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Here a great document containing all (mis)quotes from the current "Origin of Life" brochure:


  • Heartofaboy


  • carla


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