I hear that a recent talk was about taking care of one's aging parents. I agree. Generally, kids should take care of aging parents. But, isn't it funny coming from the Society's mouth?
Wasn't it the Society who told us kids to not plan for our parents getting old?
Wasn't it the Society that told the parents that they would never get old and die?
Wasn't it the Society that allowed sisters and brothers to beat their kids in the Kingdom Hall or at Assemblies for not sitting still for hours?
Wasn't it the Society that told elders to not discipline family abuse situations becuase it was a personal matter? Then the kids lived in an abusive, but "Christian" home?
Wasn't it the Society that allowed pedophiles to prey upon JW children? Wasn't it the Society that silenced the parents from reporting the abuse to the authorities? Isn't it true that children blame their parents for not protecting them from pedophiles?
Wasn't it the Society that kept followers from going to college in a world where a college education became indespensible in a changing work environment, now robbing many of the financial ability to care for their parents?
Isn't it true that 67% of JWs leave upon reaching adulthood and only a small handful retun? Isn't it true that the WTS has told parents to treat non-believing children badly and apostate children very badly?
So, now the Society tells the elderly that their children are bad if they are not there for them 100%. . . . when the parents were not there for them.
The old bumper sticker comes to mine. "Be nice to your children. They will be changing your diaper one day."