"Obviously, you have no experience in the practical mechanisms of how "science" really works. To re-iterate a point made in a previous thread, we worship the religion of science without understanding it."
Well, I am not a scientist, and neither are you. (Why is science in quotes here, what are you disputing about science?)
But if a climate change denier can prove their point against the mountain of evidence for, he will certainly be listened to. Right now, no credible scientist has made as strong a case against climate change as the case for climate change, never mind the reason.
In the case of science, truth outs; can you say the same for religion?
Science rewards the outliers; religion kills or emasculates outliers, Jesus being a case in point, until those calling themselves Christians became the majority, when they started killing their foes.
That is the main difference between religion and science; science is constantly testing it's theories, whereas religion will hang on to unproveable ideas, damaging ideas and debunked world view for centuries and happily burn alive those who dissent, all in the name of the great almighty (as relayed by spiritually enlightened ones, like yourself maybe).
For the record, I don't worship science, and I don't see that 'we' as a society do either.
Scientists are assumed to be right until they are proven wrong, if they have the science to back it up; religionists, like you maybe, will take pride in unproveable and non-falsifiable assumptions until they die or, in a miraculous vision, some other spiritual luminary of theirs tells them differently.