In 1974 the book Gods Eternal Purpose Now Triumphing For Mans Good gave the date of 526 BCE as the beginning of the morning of the seventh creative day
1975 end prediction
by FL_Panthers 83 Replies latest jw friends
U- cant-no -me:-- are you missing a zero somewhere?
on the balance in my bank account
U-- can you explain 526 BCE for wt ? and
a zero missing? it depends how big the account is to start with: if it is only $ 10.- another zero adds 90-, but:
if its already 6 figures* that adds another million or 9.
* that is the price of a small house in our general area.
such house was perhaps 50 000 max in 1975;-- a 20 fold increase in 40 years.
some witnesses bought into real estate in the 60s, rather than sell, I did.
took the 'Society' by it's 1975 word, ---they kept buying too.
The thing is, it really does'nt matter how, where which article or what talk the 1975/6000yrs hysteria originated.
yes in a while when i can use the computer.
i could do with a few extra zeros one of the houses i lived in as a child is worth almost a million pounds now but my father sold it and rented many years ago as the end was so close and he wanted to more as a witness. That would have been my inheritance. No education no pension no inheritance. I need those zeros
i do have a small pension. It will be about enough to buy the daily newspaper, at least it will be something to snuggle under on the park bench. It could have been more but years early when i was talking to the man from the bank about insurance for my small business i said no i don't need a pension.
Am i missing a zero somewhere prologos? i don't think so.
this is the quote from the book God's Eternal Purpose Now Triumphing For Man's Good(1974 WTB&TS) page 131
the heading is'"Morning" of the seventh creative "day" begins, 526 BCE.' and the paragraph starts
'The first half or "evening" period of God's seventh creative "day" was now closing, 3500 years from creation of, Adam and Eve. The morning of this creative "day" was due to begin at 526 BCE.'
So I understand this to mean 526 BCE is the half way point in the 7th creative day so if you add 3500 years to it and take away 1000 and do something with the zero (maybe this is the zero you meant) i think it comes out to 1975
The thousand year reign follows Armageddon and is not included in it. So it seems to me that between getting this important spiritual food and studying it early in 1975 there was little time remaining.
As far as i remember the book doesn't mention 1975 for some reason, I could be wrong however it does mention 4026 on page 51 in the heading ' "Evening" of seventh creative "day" begins, 4026 BCE' Also at the beginning of the book it talks about Charles Taze Russell and his Watch Tower article "The Plan of the Ages" and the diagram "Chart of the Ages".
It explains how Ephesians 3:11 in the Emphatic Diaglott has "according to a plan of the ages, which he formed" and based on this translation the Watchtower article was published and the chart was later in 1886 included i understand in Russells book The Divine Plan of the Ages.In my copy of the NWT Ephesians 3:11 'according to the eternal purpose that he formed...' and the book is called God's "Eternal Purpose" Now Triumphing for Man's Good.
In the book God's Kingom of a Thousand Years has Approached(1973 WTB&TS) on pages 206/208 it explains how they had arrived at 1874 as the "presence" or parousia. I qoute here from page 208.
'Thus, by inserting 100 years into the Bible chronology during the period of the Judges, man's creation was pushed pushed back 100 years to 4128 BCE and the six thousand years of man's existence on earth ended in 1872. (The Time Is At Hand page 42) Then the allowance of two years before the entry of sin led to the year 1874 as the year in which six thousand years of human sin terminated and the seventh thousand years for the elimination of sin by Christ's reign began. So the Grand Jubilee was then due to begin.'
So if i've understood it correctly it would seem to me that 1975 was connected to Charles Taze Russell. On page 206 of the book just mentioned it says.
'Also, that the date of the first man's creation by Jehovah God was in the 4128 BCE which meant that six thousand years of man's existence on he earth ended in the year 1872 CE as calculated by Russell and his associates. This reckoning began to be announced on the fornt page of Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence beginning with the issue of July 1, 1906 and this practice continued down through the issue of September 15 1928.'
Doesn't appear to me that any of it was correct.
I was in my early 20's in 1975.
These accounts of what happened in the years leading up to 1975 is 1000% spot on.
The fact the leaders of the WBTS still hide behind half truths & misinformation shows they have something to hide.
They still rely on lies to shore up their self proclaimed position as 'faithful & discreet slave', a misnomer if ever there was one.
For those that were not JW's at that time please listen to the contributors on this forum, please be assured they are the ones telling you the truth, I would not be here if that wasn't the case.
If there is a god I can only hope he has lined up a special form of discipline for the presumptious self aggrandizing men known collectively as the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.
PL Panthers
From reading all these articles, I get the idea of 6000 years. It seems that most of the witnesses back were looking for an actual date for Armageddon to come. People were only serving jehovah for 1975. Am I right in saying this?
This may be true of some of the JWs back then. This only points to the Governing Body guilty of creating a stumblying block. If they had not promoted and created the idea of 1975 then the JWs would not have thought to serve God with a date in mind.
As it is how many now are serving God, not from their heart, but with the idea that they will survive Armageddon, regardless of a set date?
Just chip in another little thought.
If 1975 chronology wasn't taught, why the back-peddling and new thoughts on the date Eve was created, in a 1976 WT?HOW LONG AFTER ADAM WAS CREATED WAS EVE CREATED?
A SHORT TIME - w68 5/1 p. 271 par. 4 Making Wise Use of the Remaining Time
"it is logical that he would create Eve soon after Adam, perhaps just a few weeks or months later in the same year,"WE DON'T KNOW - w76 7/15 p. 437 par. 25 Keeping a Balanced View of Time
"We do not know whether it was a brief time such as a month or a few months, a year or even more."Splash