The gap between Adam and Eves creation must have been at least 40 years then, well unless the Big A comes before the end of 2015.
Of course, all three events are in reality simply fiction.
by FL_Panthers 83 Replies latest jw friends
The gap between Adam and Eves creation must have been at least 40 years then, well unless the Big A comes before the end of 2015.
Of course, all three events are in reality simply fiction.
WT has been wrong about this subject every time it has addressed it:
"In this chapter we present the Bible evidence which indicates that six thousand years from the creation of Adam were complete with A.D. 1872; and hence that, since A.D. 1872 are chronologically entered upon the seventh thousand or the Millennium." (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2, p. 33, 1889)
*** jv chap. 28 pp. 631-632 Testing and Sifting From Within ***
It was only natural that they should wonder when and how these things would occur. Did the inspired Scriptures provide any clues?
Using Bible chronology that had first been laid out by Christopher Bowen of England, they thought that 6,000 years of human history had ended in 1873,
*** ka chap. 11 p. 187 par. 6 “Here Is the Bridegroom!” ***
According to the Bible chronology that was thereafter adopted, the six thousand years of man’s existence on the earth ended in the year 1872 but the Lord Jesus did not come at the end of those six millenniums of human existence, rather, at the start of the antitypical Jubilee in October of 1874. The year 1874 was calculated as being the end of six millenniums of sin among mankind. From this latter date mankind was understood to be in the seventh millennium.—Revelation 20:4.
"According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years from man's creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E Six thousand years of man's existence on earth will soon be up, yea within this generation. The rein of run parallel with the 7th millennium ..." (Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, 1966, p. 29-30)
Panther, I know others have said it, but let me chime in here. Reading somewhat convoluted material written by the WT and figuring out what is being said is necessary if you want to know the truth about the truth. If you weren't a strong reader before embarking on this journey, be prepared to become one.
Also, with respect to your comment about "people just serving Jehovah until 1975" and "running" with vague statements made by the GB, reflect on this: Those assertions assume that disappointment over 1975 sprang from the publishers themselves, that they brought it on themselves by baselessly magnifying or misconstruing statements by the GB. This tendency to blame the victim is consistent with how the WT likes to characterize people who leave the organization--shift the burden of proof to them and keep it off the organization. Yet is that accurate? Remember that the power relationship between the Society and the average publisher is not equal. The Society/GB repeatedly insist on unquestioning obedience, and emphasize that everything they produce is from "Jehovah's table," inferring that it's all straight from him (while at the same time disavowing inspiration, something of a trick). The average good publisher seeks to obey, to go along with what he/she is told and takes what the Society says as "Food at the Proper Time." So when the Society makes slippery statements about the end coming "within the next few years at most," what the heck is the pubisher to think? How could s/he ever not expect the big A otherwise?
Lastly, how can you or anyone claim that someone is doing something just for or until a date? In fact, what is the difference exactly between just serving for or until a date and "keeping the end closely in mind"? When the date goes by, another one is handily provided--1975 was replaced by the end of the 20th century, which was replaced in 2009 by the meaningless "imminent," if you recall that DC where the word was used in literally every talk on the program.
People were only serving jehovah for 1975. Am I right in saying this?
There were a lot of converts who converted specifically because they bought into the message of what was essentially a doomsday cult, from when they first started harping on 1975 in the mid-late '60s. So, yes, some were there mostly because of the specific end-times prophecy. A number left in the years after 1975, but many were stuck in and remain in to this day, when they will tell you that the Society didn't say the end was coming in 1975.