A Good Question To Ask JW to Get Them To Think

by sarahsmile 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sarahsmile

    Why did you get baptized?

    What do you think they would reply?

    Because it is the truth!

    I never heard anyone say because I believe and follow Jesus Christ.

  • factfinder

    When I was a witness I would have said "To symbolize my dedication to serve Jehovah like Jesus did".

  • sarahsmile

    That is a good one! Smarty pants!

    Hmm. never heard too many people say that before.

    Is that why you really got baptized?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I showed a Bible Study individual this Scripture, and asked him to explain to me what the purpose of baptism was:

    (Acts 2:38) " Peter said to them: “Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins..."

    He explained it quite accurately coherently, so I commended him and told him never to let anyone try and convince him that there were any other reasons for baptism - there's only one reason - and it hasn't got anything to do with joining an organization made in the U.S.A.!

  • designs

    I would agree with factfinder, that was my feeling back in 1966.

  • Fernando

    A good question and observation, sarahsmile.

    The answer would never be "because I believe and follow Jesus Christ".

  • designs

    But this whole issue is such an Evangelical perspective.

  • designs

    Try repackaging this as a question to a Roman Catholic or a Greek Orthodox and their rituals of 'Sacraments' and see what you get.

  • sarahsmile

    The Searcher, that was brave of you to not persuade a bible study to follow an organized religion.Good verse in Acts,so does that mean to be baptized in Jesus Christ name only? Also Acts gives evidence of Holy Spirit suddenly thousands of travelers from different language could hear about Jesus Christ in their own tongues. Men who could never speak in these languages now spoke. I guess I am believer and enjoy God's amazing powers and Love,because his son Jesus Christ gave his life for ALL.

    Was their a slight change after Jesus death?

    Good reason to get baptized forgivness of sin in the name of Jesus Christ. Unlike the reason why JW were baptized.

    Design I was wonder if you were baptized as an adult or young teenager? I know this sounds from an evengical perspective thanks for respecting it as so.

    Fernando exactly! I was reading some older post and as people replied not too many said it was to follow Jesus Christ.

    Also just finished reading a book about two young children: How JW teaching changed their entire lives! Baptism was manipulated in their teens.

    I know my JW baptism was manipulated and it had nothing to do with dedicating my life to Jehovah. Like so many others it was just something that sounded believable to persuade my audience out in service. Pulling at heart felt emotions is what JWs do best.

    If I ever have opportunity for some JW to knock on my door, I would like to ask this question. I also, want to be prepared for hearing their bibical account and reasons.

  • designs

    I was 16.

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