I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I have written a heavily-documented response to the official magazine of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Awake!, that claims to teach what we believe. I saw an article from last year's Watchtower about a guy who had barely been Mormon for very long, and obviously did not know what we believe, who was given this magazine by JW's to show him "the truth." He claims to have proven to himself that it was true from information on the LDS Church's website. Unfortunately, he either is not telling the truth, or did not look very deep. My response has over 200 footnotes, and includes links directly to the source documents that were used in the Awake! magazine, some of them more than 150 years old! I welcome questions and comments. Just please read it before commenting. Thanks! This is the link: http://religion.lightandlearning.org/nost
What Do Mormons Really Believe? RE: The Nov. 8, 1995 Awake Magazine
by D_Rolling_Kearney 59 Replies latest watchtower bible
Found Sheep
You've reached a board mainly filled with ex-JWs, to if you are looking to preach at active JWs, I'd suggest calling your local Kingdom halls.
You can also go on over to jwtalk.net and preach to active JWs all you want.
..what can we offer you in return ;)
Mormons and JWs both do not have "the Truth".
zed is dead
A cult like the JW's lying about another cult?! Say it ain't true!
Looking into Mormon beliefs helped me exit Jehovah's Witnesses. I kept trying to rationalize JW doctrine that had proven untrue, but would LOL reading similar falsifiable Mormon doctrine (The Book of Abraham). At some point I had to admit we were both fooled.
.........................................................................................................................................I Lost the Golden Book..
Where did I Bury that Golden Book?!...........You Lost the Golden Book?!...........................I`m Starting a Religion!..
"I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I have written a heavily-documented response to the official magazine of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Awake!, that claims to teach what we believe." - D_Rolling
"I saw an article from last year's Watchtower about a guy who had barely been Mormon for very long, and obviously did not know what we believe," - D_Rolling
This is a transcript from a video:
I'm Brian Dalton. I'm the writer, director, and creator of the "Mr. Deity Show."
Well, for the first 27 years of my life, I was a Latter-Day Saint — a Mormon. Uhm... I' lef the Church in 1993...
(Laughs) Yeah, that's an understatement. My life has changed in some pretty dramatic ways.
How has it changed? Uhm... I guess, in general, I'd just say that its a lot less... crazy. For instance...The slightly crazy...
I no longer believe in the Golden plates of "Reformed Egyptian."
I no longer believe that the Hebrews were a "white and delightsome" people 600 years before Christ.
I no longer believe that men who claim to speak for God reveal anything but their own arrogance and self-delusion.
I no longer believe in three heavens.
I no longer believe in excommunicating historians whose only fault is telling the truth.
I no longer believe that I am a literal spirit child of God.
I no longer worry about a sip of wine or enjoying a cup of coffee.
I no longer believe that when the prophet speaks, the thinking has been done.
The slightly more crazy...
I no longer believe that we all have a mother in heaven.
I no longer believe that God is such a poor communicator that he said "horse" but meant "deer."
I no longer believe that a burning in my bosom is any indication of truth or value.
I no longer believe that Jesus visited the Americas after his resurrection.
I no longer believe that an institution which changes its doctrines as our culture evolves is in any way directed by a transcendent being.
I no longer believe that other men understand God better than I do, or speak for and/or with him on a regular basis.
The fairly crazy...
I no longer believe that the Native Americans are Hebrews.
I no longer believe that homosexuality is a sin.
I no longer believe in secret handshakes, key words, or new names.
I no longer believe in a place called "Adam-ondi-ahman" or that the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri.
I no longer believe in taking oaths of secrecy.
I no longer believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers.
I no longer five 10% of my gross income to a multi-billion dollar corporation.
I no longer believe that a stone knife is a good substitute for what the Book of Mormon very specifically calls a "steel sword."
The fully crazy...
I no longer believe that black people are black because they fought less valiantly in some war in heaven.
I no longer believe that polygamy was ever a divine institution or that God may have many wives.
I no longer believe in prophets who taught that there were people on the moon.
I no longer believe that God is merely an exalted man with a body of flesh and bone.
I no longer believe that women are unqualified or ill-suited for leadership positions in any organization.
I no longer believe that God once lived on a planet just as we do now.
The batshit crazy...
I no longer believe in a god who punishes people by darkening their skin.
I no longer believe that an ordinary Egyptian funerary text from the Common Era contains the writings of Father Abraham.
I no longer believe that I can become a god with him own universe, planets, and people to worship me.
I no longer believe in being vicariously baptized for dead people.
I no longer believe that our god is merely one god in a potentially infinite series of gods.
I no longer believe that dark-skinned people can become light-skinned people by living the Mormon gospel.
I no longer wear religiously prescribed underwear, nor do I believe that such a thing protects anyone.
I no longer believe that God lives on or near a planet or star named "Kolob."
I no longer believe that placing one's face in a hat containing a "seer-stone" is a reliable means of translating an ancient language.
The unconscionable...
I no longer believe that my happiness is enhanced by my obedience to other men's ideas of how I should live my life.
I'm Brian Dalton. I'm a writer. I'm a director. I'm a rational human being.
And I'm a Formon (former Mormon).And keep an eye out for David Fitzgerald's excellent new book on Mormonism (soon to be released):
http://www.facebook.com/TheCompleteHe... -
JW's and Mormons