"honest discussion" to a religious person = their view is the only one under consideration and you must buy into their delusional fantasies while ignoring all evidence to the contrary.
What Do Mormons Really Believe? RE: The Nov. 8, 1995 Awake Magazine
by D_Rolling_Kearney 59 Replies latest watchtower bible
The laughable thing about JWs vs. Mormons is that each declares the other to be on the wrong path and deceived, yet both are cut from exactly the same cloth.
The WT and LDS church were both founded in the 19th century by men who were convinced that true Christianity disappeared from the earth after the apostles until they came along to restore it.
One of them determined truth by measuring a pyramid.
The other determined truth by staring at a seer stone in his hat.
D_Rolling_Kearney, you are (partly) so right.
I saw an example at your website about a reference regarding the Garden of Eden. You called it bewildering, because the reference has nothing to do with the subject in question. At this forum you can find many similar examples. The JW-leaders are misleading the public and manipulating their members.
But now I'll quote (totally out-of-context) from the same part of your website:
Basically, "Our guess is better than your guess"? That's not really a contrast, is it?
Don't you see that this statement applies on everything you believe? JW's believe this, mormons believe that. Both think that their believe is better than any other. But in reality there is no contrast: it is the same nonsense in another template.
Cold Steel
As many posters know, I’m also a member of the LDS Church. And I’ve been here for years, having first visited this site when part of my extended family joined the Society (it’s NOT a church, yet it baptizes people into the name of the Father and the Son and to the Spirit-led organization representing Jehovah on Earth) and, getting back to my family, pretty much cut us off at the knees.
For one thing, Rolling, the Society would NEVER, ever, sponsor a forum for member exchange. This is what’s called a “recovery board.” And many of its members have gone from true believers to doubters, and then, unfortunately, to atheism and the spite and disillusionment that comes with it. After having thought they first knew all the answers as Jehovah’s Witnesses, they now, as unbelievers, again think they have all the answers.
The history of the organization — the “outfit,” as the Chicago mob were called — is magnificently lacking in any spiritual gifts such as prophecy; not that they haven’t tried to prophesy. It just hasn’t worked out. They call other religions “manmade” and reject much of first century Christianity and eschatology, basing themselves in a foundation of Replacement Theology. They view themselves as the inheritors of the blessings given to Jacob and God no longer cares about Judah and Israel. Also, there are no angels, no direct communication with Deity, no witnesses of their divine calling. And though it’s not a church, it will disfellowship (excommunicate) anyone who joins one. If you even go to one for a wedding or a visit, you’re toast; and if you’re caught in one during “Armageddon” (the Society’s view of the end of the Age), you’ll be slaughtered with the others who happen to be there with you. It’s viewed as false religion, Babylon the Great.
Bottom line, you won’t change any minds. But you will learn a lot about the Society and its structure. And there are plenty of nice people here who have not lost faith in Christianity; however, tread lightly. The atheists think they’re the only ones here.
If Mormons would allow alcohol and caffeine, they would be the better cult to choose from (just sayin')
yadda yadda 2
Take your choice of which personal non-provable divine revelation you believe.
Moses had a divine revelation from Yahweh, Paul had a divine revelation from Jesus, Mohammed had a divine revelation from Allah, Joseph Smith had a divine revelation from Moroni.
So which one will I plump for? Hmmmm, I'll believe the personal non-provable divine revelation that my parents believed or that my fellow countrymen believe!
One religion trying to defend his religion (with over 200 footnotes!) against another is about as pointless as one culture trying to prove that another culture is wrong.
There's a reason the angel was called MORONi
What i want to know is, where can i get myself a pair of these ?
That's rich, Cold Steel commenting about the Jehovah's Witnesses not having the gift of prophecy, Pot, meet kettle. Besides, the JWs actually do not claim to have the gift of prophecy, although they are so dogmatic about their predictions and ever changing interpretation of scripture, they might as well claim they do.
This is a forum for all ex JWs, whether Athiests or not, I have never seen an Athiest here saying that this forum is only for them. Simon, who developed this board, is an Athiest, yet he has never banned anyone for being a Christian, although some believing posters have been banned for violating forum rules, but only after many warnings. Cold steel, you are allowed to post even though you were never a JW, and are usually promoting Mormonism. I don't know if I would be that generous if it were my board.
Yes, the Athiests here will challenge statements that they disagree with, as this is a discussion forum. At times they may get a bit dogmatic, obnoxious even, but they are entitled to their opinion, as are the believers. At times the discussions may get heated, sometimes things are said in the heat of the moment that are not tactful, but this is on both sides. In my experience it is usually the beliefs that are ridiculed, not the believer. If someone is bothered by this, there are a lot of subjects being discussed other than belief in God. I have seen posters here say many derogatory and untrue things about Athiests, that they just want to be live an immoral life, that they are negative, fault finding, miserable people, that they don't love their fellow man, that they are materialistic, etc. This is from people who don't know any Athiests personally, nor did they study it, they are just making assumptions or repeating things they learned from their church.
Cold Steel is correct that you will never change anyone's mind here. We have all been through cult mind control 101, we are very unlikely to be interested in yours. If we wanted a religion to tell us what to think, do and say we could have just stayed with the JWs and not lost our friends and family. I know you think you are different, and so much better, but you are not, in my opinion.
I know you don't think Mormonism is a cult or high control religion, nobody who is in a cult thinks they are in a cult. You look at the Jehovah's Witnesses and can see that it is a cult, but you think you are different. What makes a religion a cult is not so much the specific beliefs, but the methods used to teach and reinforce those beliefs. JWs and Mormons believe very different things, but the culture is very similar. Of course the Mormon underwear seems bizarre to those not indoctrinated or raised in the religion, but it's minor compared to the mind control that is used to control and keep members.
I would encourage any Mormon to read up on cult mind control. Here is some information I summarized from howcultswork.com. Many here also recommend Steve Hassans book, Combating Cult Mind Control.
Exclusivism: Any group that tells you that you must belong to their organization to be saved is almost certainly a cult.
Fear and intimidation: Cult leadership is feared, to disagree with the leadership is to disagree with God.
Love bombing and relationship control: New members are very warmly welcomed, and are encouraged to develop friendships and marry only within the group. This feels great at first, but then you realize if you want to leave the group, you will loose all your family and friends, a very powerful threat. Social ostracism is one of the cruelest things you can do to a person.
Information control: Members are discouraged from reading material from outside the group, especially if it is critical of the group.
Time Control: Members are kept so busy with meetings and duties that they do not have time to think about their involvement or question anything.