So my folks went to the meeting today and somehow I got brought up and they gave them my address so they can call on me because I'm inactive,I am upset about it because they didn't ask me first,I told my parents I wish they hadn't of done that without asking me first and my dad's response was are you not baptised? And I said yes when I was 17 and I don't want to talk to anyone (I'm 51 now) and want to avoid any discussions that may cause me to lose my relationships with family that is still in,,so now I feel my successful fade will be jeapordized
my parents gave my addess to the elders without asking me
by besunny 18 Replies latest jw friends
As misguided as they are, they are trying to help you the only way they know how.
I am sorry this happened.
You still do not have to talk to the elders when/or if they call. Don't worry,some elder bodies are very lax in visiting inactive ones.
Thank you,I know they are trying to help and I love them,so I think I will try to avoid and if I can't I will have to tell them how I feel about things and let the chips fall where they may,I just wish I didn't have to deal with this anymore,,I'm so glad I found this forum and all you good people it's great to be able to talk to others that understand
Be sunny: You might have read on one of these threads that the elders are being directed to contact" inactive ones". So they try to have a list for when the CO comes to show they are doing their job.
I got a call the other day asking to schedule a shepherding call with the CO. After stalling, and 2 phone calls later, I got the courage(after a lot of encouragement from this site) to politely refuse by telling them my schedule would not permit it.
No muss no fuss. They have only the power
You give them.
Miss.Fit who learned a valuable lesson here.
As already mentioned, they only have the power you give them.
Your answer could be a variant on "No, thank you."
It may include: "I said NO. Thank you."
"I know how to find you if I want to talk."
"Please stop calling or coming by." -
I remember getting given the addresses of some JW's relatives and being asked to call on them
You would knock on their door and it became very clear in short space of time that they neither requested or knew about it.
So ridiculous, why do people think its ok to give out their 51 year old childs' address?
Firm and a bit irritated if/when they call should send them on their way. At least you can be ready for it.
You are under no obligation to meet with anyone, don't answer the door if they come by, or tell them you will contact them if you wish to talk. You can't stop them from doing anything, but you can choose not to interact with them.
Just tell them that your waiting on Jehovah and your very fine and nice talking with you good bye, I'll call if I need something.