my parents gave my addess to the elders without asking me

by besunny 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    Shesh! You're 51! Yet you still sound like a 17 year old: Whiny and complaining about they way things are.

    Make 2014 the year you started to behave like a 51-year-old: Bring some long overdue self-assertion into your life and Mommy and Daddy and the brothers and sisters may well back off.

  • Oubliette

    Hi BeSunny!

    Love your moniker.

    I think it's ridiculous that your parents would give the elders your address without asking you first.

    However, it's business-as-usual/par-for-the-course/modus-operandi for this cult.

    You may find this thread informative:

    Relationship Issues: Boundaries, Freedom of Choice and Codependency


  • twice shy
    twice shy

    Huge violation, but manageable. You can handle it.

    They probably have them terrified you will not make it to paradise.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    He raised you in a church with a history of failed prophetic mumbo jumbo before you were even born. Now he wants to 'out' his own kid for leaving his failed doomsday church. He needs to grow a pair and admit he made a mistake raising you in that church. If he hasn't got the cajones to do that, he can at least call the dogs off so that his actions don't require that he destroys his relationship with his kid.

    Don't accept any responsiblity for his actions and make sure he knows that you are very disappointed that he chose to raise you in a church who's god has a long history of not doing anything that it's leaders pretend it is going to do.


    Another line you might use when the CO calls or drops by: 'Thanks for your concern, but I'm afraid I cannot meet with you. I have much more important things to be concerned with.'.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Hi BESUNNY - Don't AVOID the Elders, TALK to them - and make it very clear to them that you are laden down with problems that you can only discuss with Jehovah in prayer, then thank them for their concern. After that, just reject any invitations to attend anything or other visits. They'll view you as a waste of time, and give up on you!

    This is going to my strategy. Be resolute, but polite!

  • KateWild

    I am sure if you were never baptised they wouldn't try and break up your family realtionships, beside you're not even going so many may not even know who you are. I agree with Searcher, stand up to them they have no power over you. Tell them the adress was given without your permission and you don't appreciate it.

    Kate xx

  • Laika

    This is why my parents aren't allowed my address.

  • cultBgone

    BeSunny, the bright spot is that you KNOW about it! Forewarned is fore-armed and all you won't be blindsided at the door at least. Now you know to be cautious for the time the COs in town and you have time to prepare your responses.

    Poor old dad thinks he is saving you all over again, just doing what he's been brainwashed to believe.


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