This site, is like a one way mirror for me...I can see out but they can't see in. It has helped me to not question myself & that Satan wasn't blinding me. I thought that I was being stubborn, & didn't see the truth. I was on another site & became friends with a witness (inactive). When I sent questions to them I said am I reading the bible all wrong...they said, no, the bible says exactly what it says it's the ORG. that is blinded. So I continued studying, because I did all my research on witnesses. They are the same folks in all the other religions, only thing different is the doctrine. The same sister that puts her bag or coat in the chair next to her to either hold the seat or she doesn't want anyone to sit next to her, same folks that gossip, lie, cheat, steal, look for prominence, know-it-alls....What I gather is that it's good some folks are in the hall & churches....just think how bad they really would be.
You can go to any place of worship & disagree, even at your job, you can find something to disagree. I happen to like my misfit friends at the hall, I fit, but I'm not as socially inept as they are, but they can learn from me & vise versa...
Again, I love this site, & at the hall, many don't agree but won't say anything, but I can tell by some of their comments in the field & in the hall, when some hear something that may not line up with the bible, they stiffen up...it's all in the body language.
So thanks to who or whom ever started this site...it's way better than going to a shrink.