I also have everyone in my family on tablets. So easy to tune out from the false teachings they are spewing. i too take time to surf and look at other bibles during the meetings. I wish we could just stop going!
but, My wife is to blinded to see all the lies and contridictions. like i just hope overtime this will change.
I said on a earlier post. We have only been in 6 years. I never changed my life style...we don't spend time with other brothers and sisters. we have always been very private people. also early on we saw that most the brothers and sisters are idiots and not people we would invest time in a make friends with...also we don't encourage our kids to have jw friends because we also found that pretty much all the kids are fake and in general not good people. worldy kids we have found are so much more respectful and genuine.
note: both my wife and I are on the same page on this.
so bottom line is the tablets make the meeting bearable.