Hi KateWild, If you are already Df'ed and you know TTATT, how would you being harming yourself? Isn't stoning against the law in the U.K.?
Instead of presenting information to JWs, how about asking them simple questions instead? How about asking JWs how the WTBTS is different from the Pharisees and Sadducees? I would read MT 22:34-40 and MT 23 and Steve Hassan's books to ask JWs simple questions to plant seeds of doubts about following the WTBTS instead of following the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ.
How can a JW justify following the WTBTS when God's greatist commandment says to Love God with "all" your heart, mind, and soul and not an organization or religious leaders? God's second greatist commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. If a JW wouldn't like to be shunned, how can they shun other JWs?
Where did Jesus Christ say to shun or not associate with non-JWs in the Bible? If Jesus Christ believed in shunning and not associating with devils, John 6:60-70 would have been a good place for him to warn christians. So, why didn't he?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,