Trolleys everywhere in my neck of the woods

by KateWild 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • KateWild

    I went to an appointment today and what do you know a trolley.

    I couldn't stop and chat, but I have another appoinment Thursday, I will go early and have a chat. I love this it's great fun chatting to JWs whilst being DF'd.

    Any ideas for my presentation?

    Do you think I am harming myself?

    Kate xx

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi KateWild, If you are already Df'ed and you know TTATT, how would you being harming yourself? Isn't stoning against the law in the U.K.?

    Instead of presenting information to JWs, how about asking them simple questions instead? How about asking JWs how the WTBTS is different from the Pharisees and Sadducees? I would read MT 22:34-40 and MT 23 and Steve Hassan's books to ask JWs simple questions to plant seeds of doubts about following the WTBTS instead of following the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ.

    How can a JW justify following the WTBTS when God's greatist commandment says to Love God with "all" your heart, mind, and soul and not an organization or religious leaders? God's second greatist commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. If a JW wouldn't like to be shunned, how can they shun other JWs?

    Where did Jesus Christ say to shun or not associate with non-JWs in the Bible? If Jesus Christ believed in shunning and not associating with devils, John 6:60-70 would have been a good place for him to warn christians. So, why didn't he?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ShirleyW

    The only way the would know you're Dfd if is you tell them, so bit your tongue that one.

    Tell them you have an aunt, mom, brother, etc that's a witness and you remember him/her telling you that the JWs were admonished at their meetings to stay away from the internet yet I see you are now called . . . what happened? Or ask what scripture supports that since your relative told you that everything the Dubs do have a scripture to back up what they do.

    You'll probably hear their brain spinning around in their head as try to come up with answer.

  • Phizzy

    I avoid towns, especially major ones, as much as possible, too many people, too many cars, nowhere to bloody park.

    So, I have never seen a JW trolley.

    As far as I am concerned they are as rare as Rocking Horse Poo.

    I don't quite know how I feel about them, I think really that, as I see them as a far less effective way of making converts than even the pathetic D-to-D work, which on average brings one convert in during one and half JW lifespans, in other words, most JW's will never convert anyone, on that basis I approve of them.

    I am still hoping to stumble across one , preferably manned by JW's I do not know........ then let the fun commence !

  • fulltimestudent

    I've seen one, and had a major row.

    I couldn't help myself, when faced with a barefaced lie.

    I raised the matter of the pre-1914 dates and then 1975, I knew the guy must have known of all the 1975 hype in the years before, as I vaguely recognised his face. (but did not know him personally). I guess his problem was that he had a group of young people with him and he did not want to admit to the embarrassing truth about the pre-1975 hype.

    So when he denied that the WTS had published so much bull-sh*t, I saw red, as I knew he must've heard it all, and was prepared to lie.

    My only hope is that the young people, seeing my anger, will seek answers, before wasting their lives (as I did) and the countless tens of millions who have been deceived by Christian hype.

  • FadeToBlack

    In front of the main train station in Warsaw (facing the Palace of Culture) there is always a setup. Different people all the time. Usually 2 trolleys side by side and 3-4 Jw's. Most of the time 2 women and 1 man. I'll try to get a pic up this week.


    Here's a great question to ask: If a GB pronouncement was in direct conflict with the Bible's words, which would you believe??

  • stuckinarut2

    Ask them if everything in the bible is real?

    Ask if it has meaning for us today?

    Then ask why is murder ok in the bible if a servant of God? Can we murder today?

    Then ask is Lot an example to imitate? If so, is it ok to be selfish and choose the best lands to live, yet even if they are in wicked towns? Is it ok to have sex with your daughters?

    Is Noah real? How did he collect the kangaroos from Australia and then drop them back off there again after the flood (and no where else)?


    Ask when the updated "study" book is due out to replace the current teachings as found in "the Bible Teach" book?

  • stuckinarut2

    I Love Navytown's question too!!!

  • DNCall

    The question I love is: From where did the many thousands of known animal species come? Far fewer species were preserved in the ark. We know God didn't create additional species because the flood occured during his day of rest. Even according to the the theory of evolution, additional species couldn't possibly have evolved during the four thousand years or so since the flood.

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