Abiblestudent - Good question, I might use it, but I think they might be offended. What do you think?
Shirely - It's very rare I see trolleys with JWs I don't know, or JWs who know of me. I do like your question though about the internet. Good idea.
fulltimestudent - ooops. I totally understand your position. That's why I like to prepare before I engage.
NAVYTOWN - Great spring board question, I would think many would say that would never happen, but maybe if I explain my personal circumstances it could plant some seeds.
Stuckinarut - Whoahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go. Calm down though mister. Asking all those questions is like firing a machine gun at them. Sticking to one topic at a time is possibly more procductive, but thanks fr your input.
DNCall - I like Noah's Ark as a topic, but I need to do more secular research about animals and species before I am confident talking about it.
So, in other words, unless someone is of the elite, they don't get to do it....then why waste a 15 min part prattling on about getting involved with it if only a handful at most in the cong can do it! - Stuckinarut
Now I think this is a topic worthy of disscission. They do this to manipulate JWs to do more, and make them feel unworthy, it's designed to lower self-esteem.
DOC - Yes exactly, I could mention John 13.34,35. I have used this before, and hopefully planted some seeds.
4thgen - I hope to plant seeds and show them I don't deserve to be shunned, and that I don't agree with shunning.
Thanks guys for your participation. Kate xx